t e x t s

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So bold will be them and italicized will be you just just to make things easier


'where are you jae?',


'of course. be there in 10. chick-fil-a or wendy's?',

'you know me too well baby girl. just postmate it to the studio I wanna show you my new song'

'that's my rockstar boyfriend everybody-me in ten minutes'

'I have the best girlfriend'

'god I love you'


'explicit pictures arriving in'


'baby girl I'm in public in can wait'




'I'll be home in 5'


-so i forgot to do him and i just realized


'get your cute ass over here'

'I mean sure but like you're going to have to give me details on where you are'


'good morning simp'

'why you gotta do me like that?'

'but morning to the only girl I simp for'


'have you finished your game?'

'nearly done mama's'

'hurry up I want attention.'

'just come down to my room'



'did you take my crop top?'

'maybe :/'



'hurry up'

'you've been gone for ages'

'I miss you'


'I love you'

'kio I love you but I've been gone for 11 minutes'

'11 minutes? oddly specific you were timing how long you were away from me'

'you miss me too you can't deny it'



'where'd you put my white claws?'

'I don't know what your talking about Ry :)'

'come one baby girl'

'I don't know where they are but if you come give me a kiss I might me able to tell you where they might be'


'come cuddle your girlfriend instead of the teddy bear'

'you're literally across the room from me. come to me'


'I'm coming'


'you look hot'

'why don't you come say that to me?'

'cause I can't control myself'

'even better'

'we're intense teenagers rn'

'yes but you love it'


'I can see you throwing it forward over there'

'well why don't you come here then'

'not today copter boy'


'what are you doing to your hair?',

'how did you know?',

'tayler's instagram. I'm fine with anything as long as I can still grab it'

'well about that'

*picture of shaved head*


'I lost Patrick'

'I found him'

'he's in our bed with me'

'the best clickbait for my video'

'wait what'


'you wanna come attack alex with me?'


'but stay safe baby'

Tik Tok Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora