part seven- after a long time

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(just wanna say that this takes place about two weeks after the last chapter, meaning its been about a month since the breakup, and 2 weeks since george first got ahold of dream. just wanted to clarify before this chapter lol)

Have you ever woken up one day and had that weird feeling in your chest that something was going to change? or that something good might happen? Like theres this unknown ball of energy swirling in your chest? Well that was George a couple days ago. He felt the days dragging out, seeming longer then they should and he would just wish that time could just speed up so he could fly out to Dream. Until one morning, about four days ago, George got a notification from his computer that a new flight was added. A flight from London directly to Orlando. A flight that would take off 2 weeks earlier than his original plans, meaning he could leave for Florida in two short days. Two days until he could surprise Dream at his door and be there for him physically. He didn't plan on telling Dream though. He would rather come early and have him not know. Adds the excitement you know? He already had his address because he had asked as soon as the original plan was made, just so he was prepared. So that wouldn't ruin the surprise luckily.

He had a couple of plans in mind for when he would arrive. Dream had been seeming happier in the past couple days, less like theres thousands of pounds weighing on his shoulders. Maybe if he was happy enough they could film a video! Dream had told George a couple times he was getting anxious about that, for he's had all of his social medias offline since the first day he shut people out. George wouldn't let him online for two reasons. One, it could damage the progress he's made, for one negative comment might get to him if it's specific to what happened. Two, it would spoil one of his plans. He's been collecting screen shots of nice messages from people on twitter, both their friends and their fans. He had made collages of the pictures on his phone, and he was going to send them to Dream when he got there.

The packing was... another issue. He had packed, unpacked, then repacked again too many times to count. Either he would pack too much, or too little. Now that George was coming two whole weeks early, he was going to be there for a longer period of time. That would mean he definitely needs his Minecraft set up and enough clothes. Time after time, he just wasn't satisfied with his packing job. He was too embarrassed to admit, but it had taken him about 5 hours to pack fully. He wanted to keep redoing it until it was perfect, but he honestly his arms were becoming too tired to keep reorganising the same piles. He had this strange need to be presentable for dream. Yeah sure, it was his best friend so it shouldn't matter, but he was terrified of not looking the way he wanted for dream. He didn't pay much attention to the thought, for he was more focused on getting done. He had also made sure to bring his cat to his neighbour who offered to care for his cat whenever he needed. Those were his two biggest tasks to complete before leaving.

The next day was dull. Its like the couple days before school ended when you were in high school. Or that tedious count down until your birthday when you were younger. That longing feeling of being "So close yet so far" overpowered every other emotion in George. He knew he was close to finally getting on that plane, but it felt so far away in the moment.

He hadn't told a soul about flying to Dream, not even Sapnap. He kept it all inside his head. He left all his excitement, nerves, and general thoughts to collect in his head, the only possible way to let it out would be when he could finally see dream in person.


He had a restless night, for he could barely shut his eyes due to the bubbling emotions in his body. The same persistent thought kept returning to his head, 'he was really going to see dream when he wakes up,' or the thought that 'this time tomorrow i'll be with dream.'

George rose before the sun, swiftly changing his clothes and harshly grabbing his suitcase, running out the door and locking it behind him. He called a car and drove to the airport, taking time to try and take deep breaths as he looked out the window at the city surrounding him. He couldn't believe it was all happening. The moment the car pulled to a stop, he flew out of the car, making sure to thank the driver before exiting though. He sprinted through the translucent doors, running through the bright airport, through security and to his gate. There, he took a moment to catch his breath and sit down to regain himself. He drank a full bottle of water and enjoyed a bag of chips.

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