part fifteen- don't believe everything you see on the internet

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Thousands. Thousands upon thousands of twitter notifications. "@dreamwastaken2 this you??? [picture of George on Dream's back, another of George sitting on a swing with Dream, and another of the two sharing a kiss]" the tweet had 3.4k retweets. 21k likes. 4k comments. What a joke.

Despite his brain yelling at him to not look at the comments, he wanted to know what people were saying. The ones who commented when the post was first sent, we're freaking out. "no way is that really them?" "GOGY AND DREAM?" "Dream face reveal"  and of course,"wait but if thats George and dream- FAN FIC WRITERS". The later the comments got, the happier he felt. "Ok but even if its them don't post this???" "Dream should get to do a face reveal on his own accords" "Ma'am give them privacy?????" and some people even saying "take down this post wtf thats not cool don't out people- whether its them or not its creepy." 

No it wasn't just the singular tweet, the pictures were EVERYWHERE. his entire timeline filled with intrusive photos of him and George.

Well at least there were some people looking out for him. But what could he even do about this? He was definitely not going to admit its him, he's not dumb. Even if he was fine with the face reveal, he wouldn't do that to George. But lying might dig him into a deeper hole.

Whilst he was deep in thought, he didn't notice how he had stopped brushing his fingers through George's damp hair, causing the Brit to shift in his sleep. He nestled his head further into Dream's neck, his arms tightening around him as he did, only reminding dream to continue to stroke his hair. Normally Dream would melt if he did this, but in the circumstance he mentally cursed himself for even possibly risking Georges happiness because he had an insane and insensitive ex. 'my fault'

So, he did the best thing he could come up with. Give a response that leaves people to determine it themselves. He typed in his tweet, pressing send as he finished. 

"Did no ones parents teach them to not believe everything they see on the internet?"

which of course immediately blew up, less people defending him in his replies. Yeah, there were a lot more people saying "so it is or isn't you?".

Maybe he should add one more tweet.

"Stop speculating. Im going back to bed."

In a frustration, he put his phone down quite forcefully, then bringing his now free hand to cup Georges jaw, brushing his thumb across his cheek once or twice and returned his hand to rest upon his back. His furrowed eyebrows softened as he heard George whisper "are you having trouble falling back asleep?"

"Its ok, go back to sleep" He whispered back, a smile finding its way onto his own face. "its fine"

He tried to memorise how comforted he felt in the presence of George, and how much he loved the warmth of George in his arms. It's hard to be stressed when you have that.

He could deal with this in the morning.


so maybe he shouldn't have waited to deal with it. Both George and Dream awoke to Clay's phone ringing. He grabbed his phone, almost knocking it off the couch due to just waking up. 

"Hello?" He mumbled, George groaning at the sudden noise. 

"Is George there?" Sapnaps voice said through the phone.

"Yeah why"

"Put me on speaker"

"No just what happened"

"You've seen twitter right?"

"I have, George hasn't"

"I haven't what?" 

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