21🥰 Finale

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Three months later Ramón comes home and see a letter in his room as he put his suitcase down. He read it and yells out in a fit of rage.

Sheree went home to see her family to get away from Ramón, she go to the mall with jazz while her kids spend time with her family.

Jazz: come on Sheree you haven't ate all day today, you need to eat something.

Sheree: I can't..*sniffs..I-I just can't believe my husband murdered my friend..*sniffs I could he do this!

Jazz: (rub her back) well..maybe he didn't, you don't know if that letter was real or not.

Sheree cry more as her phone rings, she sit up and pick it up and seen Ramón picture, she roll her eyes and put her phone back down.

Jazz: is that him?

Sheree: (nods) I can't talk to him.

Jazz: (grab her phone) i'll talk to him.

Phone convo
J: hello?

R: where's my wife!

J: why are you yelling?

R: because I can't find her or my kids! Where are they?!

J: (sighs) clams down, she's taking a little break. She's okay and so are the kids.

R: where did she go? Please give her the phone and put the camera on.

Jazz put her camera on and hand the phone to Sheree as she grab a napkin and wipe her face while staring at her phone.

R: baby..I'm so glad you and the kids are okay. I was so worried about you. Where are you?

S:*sniffs...I had to get away cuz apparently my husband, the father of my kids is a murderer.

R: baby I'm not a murderer, I don't even know where this is coming from.

S: Ramón stop lying to me...*sniffs..the day you left for your tour someone had a letter sent to me telling me that you and wichi forced a nurse to pump cocaine in Bruno's iv. And she gave him so much that he went into a heart attack...GOD RAMÓN YOU'RE SICK!

R: baby I swear to you I didn't do anything like that, I don't know why bruno was on drugs nor it's my or wichi's fault.

S: yeah right, how I can trust you?

R: baby you can trust me, I promised you that I would never do anything to hurt you ever again and I kept that promise. I stayed faithful to you, I focused on you and my babies, I man'd up and got us money and made all your dreams come true. We had the wedding of your dreams, we had our kids and will have two more just like you want, I gave you the house and car of your dreams I did EVERYTHING,EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. ALL I EVER WANTED TO DO WAS MAKE YOU HAPPY. And after all my hard work, the the nonstop concerts, the late night studio time making sure MY albums are the best, sleeping for only two hours and back to work I went. WHAT THE FUCK IS IT GONNA TAKE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY!!

S: (stares at him) yeah..see? This why I believe it cuz you were hella jealous of him, and when you feel crossed you lose it just like you're losing it now.

R: (takes a deep breath) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I'm just really frustrated.

S: why? Cuz you can't control me, or control who I talk to?

R: that's not it...

S: you just can't STAND to see another guy talk to me, even though I don't like them in that way.

R: baby...


R: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, Lo hice, me aseguré de que la enfermera siguiera dándole cocaína a Bruno para que muriera y se fuera de mi camino. él estaba tratando de alejarte de mí bebé, ¿no puedes ver eso? (I did, made sure the nurse kept giving Bruno cocaine to kill him and get out of my way. He was trying to get you away from me baby, can't you see that?)

S: (tears fall) he wasn't trying to take me away from you Ramón, he was my friend nothing more and nothing less. You never could see just how much I love YOU no one else, I put up with so much shit from you when we were teens and you STILL couldn't see or feel my love..*sniffs..I gave you my innocence, I had your first child even though it was tough being a teen parent, I name our son after you, and I just gave you a princess...WHEN WILL YOU SEE THAT I LOVE YOU?!

Ramón sits there looking down as tears start to fall down his cheek.

S: you know what you need to do.

R: (wipes his face while nodding) can I see my babies one more time? *sniffs..please?

S: (nods) I'll be back in the morning so we can say.... so we can say goodbye, I don't know if I can..*sniffs...this is really breaking my heart'.

R: *sniffs..I'm so so sorry, god what have I done? I really need help, and I'll get that and come back to you I swear. te amo mucho bebe

S: *sniffs...Te Amo mas bebé, siempre Y para siempre.

Two days later Ramón was arrested for conspiracy of murder and was found guilty and served five years in prison was instructed to spend four years in anger management.

                             The end

Thank you guys for reading, I hope you you enjoyed in and look out for my new story 'Age Ain't Nothing But A Number' ✌🏾.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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