Welcome back,Officer Frost!

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Third POV~~

Next day at the Intercom HQ Homeworld,every police officer is getting ready for the party to welcome their old friend back.

"Hey Pearl",one officer is swinging their arm to her friend's shoulder.She had blue short hair and slim body,"Did you heard about last night?",she said.

"Lapis,you know i dont really believe in those gossip.Plus,even if its true they still will be arrested because they steal 29 million dollars from the ceo",she said done arranging the paper work.

Last night,their chief receive a report about the ceo's crime.They enough proofs to arrest him for life time when suddenly his personal data had been spread along with a recording of him admiting his crime.The information had been release by a mystery email by the name of 'Captain Dorito',for the citizen that name might be unknown to them but for the Intercom that email is very familiar to them.They already investigate the rest of the employe and people around,they all answer that they didnt realize those trio was there expect this one man and his daughter saying one of them is helping them.That might be hard for the police to believe that criminal would do such thing but to Lapis and Pearl,they know more than the rest of their officer's friend.

Lapis got a text and she grinned when she reads it,"You guys!,she's here!",all the police officer in that floor getting ready on their position.Cake and gifts is on the table and they all just wait for the person to arrived.


Its not take more than five minutes when they heard the elevator is opened revealing a girl with long light blue hair that a bit wavy in the end and bangs that covering her eyes.Her plumb lips creep a suprise smile when she saw everyone in the room and the decorations.

"Welcome back,Officer Frost!!",they said in unison while cheering and clapping had been heard as they give her hugs and gifts.

"Aww,thanks you so much you guys!",she said almost tearing up.

"Its cool.Besides,its their idea",one of her friend point behind her.When she turn around,her face is hurt cause she smiled too much when she saw her two best friends is there holding a presents.

"Lapis!Pearl! i miss you guys!",she hugged them.

"Sapphire! we miss you too",they hugged her back."Congrats by the way for finishing your program",Pearl said.

"And here,we got you a presents too!",Lapis said giving her gifts.

"Aww,you guysss.You dont have to do this you know",she said giving them hugged again.

"Oh you dont know how much Lapis want to do this,she even told me that she already plan this a week after your flight",Pearl said earning a slap from Lapis.Sapphire felt very happy her friends did all thus just for her.

"Week after?,wow that was long time ago considering i was in Japan for two years",i joked and they both push me wanting to show my new office.

"We convince Rose to place your office near our desk.We hope its okay with you",Lapis open the door of her office even though she already saw the inside cause the wall were made off glass.It was full set of office for the new rank officer they even had her name on her desk.

Sapphire POV~~

"Wow,its perfect you guys.Thank you",i admire the room.It even theme with grey and light blue that is my favorite colour.

We all took a seat on my own mew couch in the office because i already know they had a lot of question and i had a lot to catch up after this two years.

"So tell us everything that happen at Japan.Anything new?",Pearl ask practically jumping up and down.l while Lapis nodded.

I chuckled,"Well,not much really.I did found out i had a relatives there.The people are really nice and polite.It also very clean there you would never believe how clean their public toilet are.I also did learn their language i can teach you if you want to its pretty easy",i explained.

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