Milk before Cereal

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Okay,this one will be more to Lapidot and Pearlmethyst so enjoy,

Ruby POV~~

I was beat up,tired and hurt.The mafias not caring if i just a 17 years old kid laughing at me watching me suffer.The pain was too much for me to handle i fell down to my knees still growling not leaving my glare at my opponents.

"Come on!!give me more,shitface!!",the buff man crack his knuckles.My whole body is screaming to stop but i ignore them and shakely standing up.

The guy smirked and kick my stomach,i was send flying back and hit the hard wall making me spilts blood from my mouth.The people around us cheered and one of them toss a metal pole.The buff guy pick it walks to me and stomp on my chest.I groaned in pain as he put more pressure and twist his foot a bit,i use all left energy to tried to push it away and even that wasnt enough.

"I dont how that fucker took you instead that Frost girl but it was worth it,",he swing the pole around his arm,"it has been so long ever since boss give me a living punching bag", he swing the pole straight to my face.


I woke up and gasp,sweats dripping off my forehead.I look around and i saw i still in my bedroom.I took a deep breath and ease my panic rubbing my face with both my face.It must be one of those dream,i never had that kind of dream in a long time i thought i finally get over it.I finally calm down and instead flopped back to my bed,i stand up from my bed and streach my muscles and groan when a satisfied crack been heard on my spine.

I step to my bathroom and brush my teeth,i clean up and mouth and took of my tank top and short then step to the shower.Turn on the shower and let the cold water hit my back.Why is that dream suddenly appear out of nowhere?my therapy already told me that im free from my trauma so where the fuck is that come from?is it because i meet Sapphire?.I groan and shake that thought away while washing my body with soap,i really need to stop thinking about her.

I finish my bath,step out from bathroom and went to my wardope picking my outfit today.Since i didnt plan going anywhere today i pick something comfortable to chill.I grab a sleeveless black shirt with a cool flame design and a red pants with black strips.

I went to the living room and flopped to the long couch,i grab the remote and turn on the big TV that attach to the wall with two speakers at each side.I turn the nexflix and pick a movie that is about a zombie apocalypse.I was enjoying my movie not until my peace been not so really suprisingly disturbed.

"So,ready to tell us what wrong?"


I saw at the corner of my eyes,Amethyst flopped upside down at the couch.His hanging head looking up at me and groan when i still not open up.

"Aww,come on man,not even a single clue?",he still not giving up.I just replied with a annoyed glare and increasing the TV volume.He mumbled something under his breath that i didnt quite catch what is it.

"Fine!,if you dont want to tell me then i'll absorb you till i found whats bordering you"

"*Sigh*Well,this gonna be the pain in my ass",i rest my check on my knuckle.

I continue watching my movie while trying my best ignoring that idiot.The movie is quite interesting not gonna lie,its about a couple surviving a zombie apocalypse while been chase by a bunch of bad guys.Then a relatable scene caught my eyes,the man is yelling at the bad guy that he's the person he been looking for just to save his love.He manage to kill the bad guy but had been bite by a zombie in a process,he tell his love that he love her before he jump from the cliff and it almost ALMOST making me tear up.

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