Special chapter (Not with story)

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"Mann,this day pretty much suck my ass.First old lady scream her head off thinking i got corona just because i cough then i forgot my homework now my boyfriend just cancel our date because his sister's ex steal his car's tyres.*Sigh*wonder what can get this worse",i take off my shoes and hoodie sighing in relief my tail and ears finally able to move freely.The full moon appear an hour earlier than i expected making me have to drive me bike uncomfortablely with my tail wiggiling to be let out.

*Slump to the couch and turn on Netflix*

As i picking the show,a notification appear on my phone.I click on it showing my mom send me an emojis

Mom:'💞🎁🍰🎂🎇🎆🎂🎉🎊🎂🍰🎁💞',hope you had a nice day my growing little pup <3

I smiled,well that make's my day.I text her a thank you and a love back.

Then a knock at my apartment door make me jump.'I swear if that's ms.'i cant live without you please come back' im gonna fucking call the police for sure this time,i groan and open the door.

And just i open the door,i've been tackled to the ground with a hug by people im not a stranger with.....well...not really a people more like...an alien gem friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY,RED!!",Steven blow the birthday horn infront of my face.Then all the CG including Lapis,Peridot,Bismuth and Jasper enter to my apartment with gifts and foods in their hands.

"Please dont tell me the Diamonds too...",i said remembering the last time those three come to visit me,lets just say i had to pay extra for the roof damage and a fine for someone's car.

"Oh dont worry,i convince them to stay at Homeworld this time",Steven said cheerfully,"Anyway,lets get your birthday party started!!!",Amethyst yelled and ran to the cake while Pearl tried to stop her from swallowing it all.I laugh at their silliness,i cant believe they remember my birthday even i dont remember until my friend sing it to me.

"Awww,you guys remember my birthday",i said opening my first gift,it was a fingerless motocycle gloves by the way.

"Hey,this is Steven we talking about.If someone can remember each of someone's special day in the city,that's him.He even make mine,Peridot,Lapis and Jasper's birthday",Bismuth sit on the couch and patted my back.

Everyone give me their presents,Peridot give me a red visor almost look like her old one but more round and thicker.Bismuth give me a katana,i know i dont really gonna use it that often so i just gonna put it as decoration and thank her.Lapis give me a watercolour and Jasper give....okay i think she just give me a dog treat....i really need to explain to her what werewolf is.Anyway,Pearl gave me another toilet paper this year...she really had a problem with this but i dont want to sound rude so i just thank her.Amethyst give me a wallet full of money and even someone's ID card in it and im not even gonna ask how she got it.Garnet give me two gifts that is red and blue,the red one is a mug that says '1# Dad' but that dad word has been marked with red X then replaced with 'Bro' i smiled and thank her then when i open the blue one i was a blushing mess,my face is as red as it can be at the sight of the item.

I look at her and ask mouthing a 'Why' hiding the blue gift.Garnet just smirk and pointing at her visor signaling her future vision."You'll need after this party",she pull her her visor a little showing her third eye winking which doesnt helping with my red face.

"Hey Red,what Garnet gives you?"


A few minutes after my party started,another knock been heard at my door.

"Dont worry,i'll get it",Pearl offer and walk to the door.

"Huh,you guys invite more?not that im complaining tho",i look at Garnet.

"I just thought that maybe you would like to meet them today since they just come back from their space adventure",she replied.As soon as i was about to ask again the door open revealing the Off Colours.

"Red!!,it so nice to see you again man.Here i brought you my special chocolate cake roll for your birthday",Lars fist bumb me and place the cake on the table then give me that bro hug.

Rhodonite just wave at me and smile.I know she still a bit shy around me so i just shrug it off and wave at her back.The twins came to me and give me a hug and a gifts,the told me that Florite couldnt make it so she just said happy birthday to me on which i thank you for.

"Oh and we have special present for you~,and just so you know this us Garnet's idea",twins wiggling their eyebrow which i raise mine in confusion.They turn my face to the side and i once again a blushing mess.Padparadscha is wearing that cute short skirt white and black waiter's outfit.Now i cant hide my blush and my extremely waggling tail wasnt helping neither.

"Happy birthday,wolf boy~",i swear i will get nose bleed if she keep talking that way.

I turn to look at Garnet and she was smirking even wider and Amethyst is laughing her ass off.

"Okay one,which one of you idiots taught her to talk like that?!.And two,i have a fucking boyfriend you three brain cells gay space rocks!!",they all laughing as my face cant get even redder that it already has.

Lapis point behind my back.I turn back around and see my boyfriend standing beside Paddy wearing the same outfit...

Jesus fucking christ...


I know that one doesnt have anything to do with the story i just thought doing something special today since im officially 17. *Me said yeay sarcastically*

I'll try to update as soon as i can seeing im back to school and being tortured with works.

Other than that,see you in the next chapter,


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