Remind me of her

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Ruby POV~~

As soon as the guards open the double door for us,we're greeted with lights with differents colours flashing everywhere and a loud beat of music.The smell of alcohol entering my nostrils making me smirk telling myself we gonna a had a great night while i ignoring guts that telling somethings gonna happen.

Amethyst was the first to enter,"Your king of the jungle,the Purple Puma is back to his throne,motherfucker!!",he yelled anouncing his arrival that soon following with a applause.

"Ready for the best night of your life,boys?",Amethyst swing each his arm to mine and Peridot's shoulder and shoving us a little to down the fact that he's pretty short than both of us."I dont want to hear a no or any of your shitty excuses because we.gonna.own.the.NIGHT!!.woooohooooo!!",he hype even more than he already had.He shove Carnelian,the Empire hotel night club owner,to us."Hey Carnelian,give your best customers the set!",he fist bump her."Coming right up,Puma.Follow me",Carnelian brought us to the VIP section,

Follow me",Carnelian brought us to the VIP section,

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"Bring the girls!",she told her employer.Soon,she come back with wines and hot girls."Lets start the show,shall we?",we three grin as we took our seat at the couch just infront of the pole.

After the show and the few lap dances~

Amethyst was on cloud nine,"Woah,this girls was good as fuck!!",he smack their asses then throw some dollars to them before they dismiss."If you ask me,i'll give 7/10.What you think Rubes?",Peridot finish his wine and pour some more.

"Ehh,they good.On of them try get on my pants,it so annoying",i huffed and blow smokes from my cigarette."Dude,whats up with you?.We notice you hadnt been yourself lately.Well,you always had that grumpy face and all but this few days you like....more..well..",Amethyst try to find his word while i keep my glare at him.

"Being more jerk and stubborn than usual",Peridot finish his sentence."Well,Peri's not wrong tho.I thought you want to go here to celebrate but i see like you like even more tense",he continued.

The waiters approach us and pour more wines,i took mine and finish the glass with one glup."Im fine guys",i wipe my mouth and sighed.

"You cant denied it,Rubes.Our last target you almost blew it up our mission.You beat her guard and throw one of them on three stories building.You never lose temper that far,what happen?",Peridot spoke up putting his glass down.Amethyst also notice my tension and get his attention.

I chuckled at their concern.I swear this two know me more than my own brother,"Okay,okay you win.Yes,i think there's something wrong with me",i look at them and they had that look that telling to continue,"*Sigh* i dont what it is...but it trigger some memories...the bad one...or maybe its the good one but it somehow look like bad",i lean my back to the couch blow more smoke from my cigarette.

They both look at each other thinking they might know what im thinking.Amethyst was the one to speak up,"Hey,if you talking about...The Diamonds..its okay dude,we already get over it.We'll get our revenge.Dont worry,those years is gone for good",he patted my shoulder.I glance at him but with my eyes turn soft i form a smile.Even thats not entirely true on whats bothering me,i appreciate their support.

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