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The beer in the cup which was handed to me by Chloe, sloshes as I try to regain my balance in the drunk crowd.

Damn, it's hot in here. I need some air.

Slinging my beige colored purse across my shoulder, I try to make my way out of the crowd without much damage.

"Hey blondie. Wanna dance?" Some drunk guy slurs as he tries to grope my jean cladded ass.

I nearly jump at his proximity before pulling away from his sloppy grasp.

"Nah. I'll pass." I push him and finally reach the main door of this chaotic house.

Where the heck is Chloe?

My brown eyes search the dimly lit living room and the makeshift dance floor near the bar to find her but with no avail.

She must have already gone upstairs.

I sigh before disposing the cup in the bin in the hallway, crowded with making out couples and pushing the main door to escape the sweaty and humid environment of the house.

Tugging my strappy yellow top down to cover more of my lower abdomen, I walk towards my friend, Mateo after spotting my cute freckled face friend under a tree in the backyard.

Thank god, someone I know is also here.

A smile plays on my lips as I throw an arm around his lanky shoulders to surprise him.

He pulls me in a side hug before ruffling my hair, making me swat his hand away before he ruins my already weird ponytail.

"Adrianna? Lemme guess. Where's Chloe?" He knows me well enough to figure out that Chloe has dragged me to this party against my wish.

Let's just say I am not a huge party person.

"I don't know. Upstairs, probably." I shrug.

"I think this is your first time at a party? I am seeing you for the first time at one-" He chuckles, his hand again reaching out for my ponytail before I shoot him a glare and swat his hand away again.

"Don't exaggerate. Fifth or sixth." I roll my eyes even though I didn't spend more than twenty minutes at any. But I keep that bit of information to myself.

"I am a literature major and not to mention a Shakespeare lover. Can't help myself."   

"You're looking cute by the way." He tries to wink, but fails comically, making me break into a grin.

"Thank you Mat. You don't look bad yourself." I coo, teasing him.

I normally don't take compliments well, but Mateo has been a friend since my freshman orientation day so we are pretty close.

Suddenly two other guys come up and slap his back in a way of greeting.

I actually wonder how his back isn't broken yet. Because Mateo is a pretty scrawny guy, not that I'm complaining, I tend to get intimidated by too big guys- like one of his friends standing beside me.

I look up at the said guy to find the big burly ginger head staring at me with a downright creepy grin.

"You do weed?" He garbles, obviously high.

"No thanks, I am good." I mumble before turning to face Mateo who has a cancer stick in his hand.

"I think I should go...You have someone to drive you back home right?" I purse my lips and resist gagging at the terrible odor of the smoke of the cigarette.

I adore this guy. He is nerdy like me. Also a little bit of socially awkward person when not intoxicated but I hate that he does smokes. But that's none of my business so I don't comment on that. He is an adult he can control least that's what I choose to believe.  And I know he is definitely not the only one getting high few times a month...or week.

"At my place Mat? She can also come if she wants." That big burly guy insists again, trying to pull me towards him making my heart beat louder in my chest. 

I need to get out of here soon.

"I don't think she'll want to. Do you?" Mateo chuckles slowly before looking at me with a questioning glance.

"No. I am going home. You did not answer my question." My eyebrows furrow in impatience.

"Oh yeah...I'm staying at Lara's tonight. It's a walking distance. Don't worry." He nods at me, trying to reassure me.

Even though, I feel, that by the end of the night even walking will be a big deal for him, I nod at him.

"You are back with her?" I can't help but ask in an incredulous tone.

"Um...yeah...or no...I don't know man. She wants me one second but then the other second goes on to sleep with my brother...It's fucking weird." He furrows his eye brows.

"Oh-kay. Cool. See you in psychology Monday?" 

"Let's hope so." He chuckles.

I start walking away from the group as the other two guys also smoking.

Dang. Old memories still haunt me. I still get dizzy and panicked when drinks and stuff come up.

I keep on dodging the drunk and tipsy people and walking to I don't know where.

My yellow top clings to my chest like a second skin as my deodorant gets tested in this awfully high temperature. 

I feel uncomfortable. Very much. It's so hot and humid here. Christ.

Suddenly an unruffled blue surface catches my eye, stopping me on my track to nowhere.

My feet start moving quickly towards the pool I spot.

I stagger to a stop near the brink of the pool as my eyes take in the small, blue paradise.

Should I jump in? Just a small teeny dip to cool my body... 

One part of my brain does not wants to let this golden opportunity, to cool off my body, slip while the other- my usual self- is too scared to actually jump in a pool, at someone else's place.

What if someone sees me?

But when I look around, I find no one.

I bend down to fold my jeans and remove my vans before dipping my left toe into the cold water.

Ooh this feels too good.

I nearly give into the temptation when suddenly a husky and deep voice drawls from behind me, startling me.

"Are you ever getting in there or not?"



Stay safe y'all~

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