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I rushed out- nearly tripping myself over the twigs on the cobblestones- of the giant doors into Boston's windy and chilly night. But the weather didn't stand a chance to how cold I was feeling inside.


I resisted the urge to hurl my purse away to the other side of the street and cry. 

No, I need to act sensible

I was feeling too many things. It was damn hard to comprehend them and not lose myself in those emotions over crowding my mind.

But Anger and regret overrode most of the other feelings. And the worst thing was, that both of them were directed towards myself.

I was angry at myself. I regretted my decisions.

I tried to ignore the pain and fear in my mind by thinking about our good times and how we would be alright.  
He would be alright.
It worked for a little while but not long enough to stop my vision from getting blurred by my own hot, full of regret, painful tears. 

I furiously blinked my eyes to push back those pathetic tears. 

I don't even deserve to cry.

I am a terrible person.

Screams of laughter and enjoyment from the ginormous house I just walked out of, filled my ears. They didn't know what kind of monster was inside there with them.

I will not cry. I am strong.

Devon needed my help. I had to help him. 

Because after all, this all was my fault. I had gotten him there.

I fished out my shiny iPhone out of my black overcoat's pocket and dialed Maddie's number.

The phone kept ringing and she did not pick up.

I bit my lip and ran a frustrated hand through my already messy hair before re- dialing it.

Damn it. Please pick it up. Please-

"Why are you calling right now, Adrianna?" Her annoyed voice rasped through the other side.

I looked up to Maddie as my other older sister. She was always kind to me. Bethany, my real sister, was amazing. But she was always busy due to her acting career. So Maddie was the one who gave me advice on dating and watched Ryan Gosling movies with me on Friday nights.

"I need your help. Right now." I managed to spit out without anything much than a small quiver in voice.

She was also kind of my escape from home. Let's just say home didn't feel like home. Mom and dad didn't feel loved ones. 
They never did.

"Right now? With what exactly?" 

"I and Devon are at this Halloween house party...Behind Andy's street...And...I'm s-sorry. He's..." I told her about what had happened inside the party.

It was too painful to pronounce the words out loud.

A single, warm tear pooled at the brim of my eyes. I blinked furiously to push it back.

"What? Are you fucking kidding me!?" She muttered in a dark voice.

Some rustling sounds came from her background.

"Okay, Send me your current location. Right now and wait there for me. I am coming as soon as possible." She said as the rustling and thumping sounds increased.

"Okay." I replied back, quietly.

I was just about to hang up when she stopped me.

"And Adrianna?"


"I love you. He loves you but do us all a favor and end this thing between you guys. This is enough. Find some other 'bad boy' to tame or go wild with. I know what kind of person you are. You are putting us all in danger so I'm politely warning you off." Her steady and eerily calm voice said slowly before hanging up.

Tears filled my eyes and rushed down my cheeks as I made blatant efforts to stop them.

I knew this would happen. I was using them too much. And they don't deserve all the shit they went through just for me. Life was already a less than stellar ride for them.

But the simple knowledge of these facts didn't help in stopping my irrational emotions from taking over my body.

I loved him. It was going to be hard staying away from them...from him.

Or so I thought until Monday came along with Devon showing up to meet me separately in the homeroom.

And let's just say the rest of my high school experience was not the best. I
It was more like watching a sad movie again and again. And hearing the same words- same insults- play like a broken record in my ears.

It was horrible. 

It wounded me forever. 

And I knew it was going to haunt me forever.

That Monday in my home room, talking to Devon, I realized how fast people changed...more specifically how fast the so called 'love' vanishes into thin air. 
And that made me decide that 'Love' was just not for me.

I tried to hate him for it. But I could not. I still had love for him in my heart. 

The guilt of the decisions I made that Freshman year Halloween party night still haunts me.


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