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"Where's pretty boy?" Hunter mutters from his seat over the living room couch, eyes unmoving from the flat screen.

"Why don't you move your ass for once and try to find out." I snort while helping Dean in making us some eatable dinner.

"The fuck Serena? I thought I had already told you that I am not interested in dating...No. God're more than just pretty but...Damn it." Dean grumbles and taps on the screen to end the call before pushing it inside his apron pocket.

Yes. Dean wears aprons. One with some daisies or shit painted on it.

My amused eyes scan him prancing around the kitchen cooking some spatula for the four of us.

"Mathews can you stop eye fucking me and make yourself useful for a moment. I get, that I'm too hot to ignore...But still." Dean shoots me an impatient look along with underlying laughter behind his eyes.

"You wish asshole. I was just wondering if Serena knows how diligently you work in a kitchen...?" I chuckle.

"Oh she sure as hell knows that I am a hard worker at anything I put my mind...and body to. But that's kinda the problem." He wiggles his eyebrows and sighs.

"Will you ladies stop gossiping about your love lives? I am starving here..." Caleb walks into the kitchen running his fingers through his brown hair.

"At least we are doing some shit. You say another thing and you'll be eating burnt spatula in dinner tonight." Dean growls wagging a gloved finger at a slightly stunned Caleb.

"Woah...What's up your-" Caleb starts only to get cut by another grumble.

"None of your fucking business." 

A laugh rumbles out of chest, " He's regretting his decision of not following our well meant advice."

"Which one?"

"About not bagging the blonde freshman in a tiny as fuck pink skirt- Serena." I smirk.

Realization dawns in Caleb's face as he cracks up.

"Don't dare you fuckers laugh at me. You guys left my drunk ass at the bar. Grabbed your shit and high tailed outta there leaving me for the dead." Dean snaps, narrowing his eyes at us before huffing and turning back to the stove.

"So what the fuck could we have done? Baby sit you grown ass?" I chuckle, walking out of the kitchen and into the living room where Hunter is blankly staring at the screen.

"Yo what's up with you?" I take up other side of the couch.

"My knee. I don't...Coach is going to send someone to check on me. Tomorrow. I am fine...I don't know why they're treating me like some incompetent piece of shit. I am perfectly fine." His almost black intense eyes blink rapidly.

Out of everyone I relate to Hunter the most. He and I both do not belong from old money. We have seen some dark shit in our lives which we desperately try to forget it everyday. 
We haven't really ever sit down and had some heart to heart talk or bullshit but we can empathize with each other a lot.

He is the dark, intense, broody, quiet and short tempered type which suits him just fine cause many women love to get with him.

Dean is the most responsible one out of all of us. He's basically the mommy of the roster. Also the guy never backs down from a challenge- no matter how absurd it is. One time he was dared to walk in heels- Dean did both the things without batting an eyelash. Nothing is a threat to his manhood. Dude is man enough to pull off any shit. 

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