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"...Are you kidding me. That's some horrible shit." I guffaw as he narrates a playful childhood story of his with his brothers.

It's been an hour or so since we came in his room. 

A light feeling of understanding and easiness fills the room. He is a guy who is very easy to talk to. And this is the first time I've been so cool around a guy who is nearly still a stranger to me.

He tells me about his sweet and fun filled up bringing in Texas. He doesn't ask about my childhood. And I am glad. He is such a likeable person that holding a conversation with him doesn't feel burdening like it normally does- instead I am loving it this time.

His gruff and hard voice grace my ears as I giggle like a high schooler at the smallest things. 

This makes me realize the painful truth of my childhood. How dull my childhood has been.
I have nothing I care about, left in Boston. 
Boston, my family home, is just a scar in my soul. Nothing more. A scar which I try, everyday to forget. 

Suddenly my cell phones chimes in as my screen flashes with a text message. 

Talk of the devil.

How are you honey boo?

Honey boo...?
I can't stop the snort from slipping out.

Once in five months does my mother remember her honey boo?

I munch on a Dorito before furiously tapping the screen- trying to conjure up an appropriate answer.

"Woah, what's up? Seems like someone's getting their ass kicked right now." He drawls, the lazy smile still taunting me.

"It's uh...It's nobody...Just my mom..." I murmur, closing my eyes for a brief second.

But before closing my eyes, I catch the sudden shift in his playful, light expression. 
His eyes darkened and his full lips drew back from the taunting smile.

I open my eyes to catch the expression again but his eyes are back to their warm selves.

It always feels like he is hiding something.

Because I can not figure out how someone be so carefree, laidback and happy all the time.

When my slightly tipsy brain does not come up with any text I decide to switch off my cell and reply later.

"Come to the game tomorrow night?" He poses it like a statement.

I blink my eyes at his abruptness before shooting him a tight smile of denial.

"I am not really into sports..." 

"It doesn't matter. Being into the players is good enough." He cockily grins.

My cheeks heat up at his true comment. 

Yes. I  like Tyler. Have always like him from afar. There's nothing new here. But it's just a tiny crush. He's so beautiful and easy to talk to after all.

"I do not recall being into any player...?" Is my teasing retort.

"Really? C'mon I know you can feel it too." A smirk threatens to take over his kissable full lips.

He suddenly shifts closer- his finger twirls a golden strand of my messy hair making me feel warm and dizzy at the sudden closeness with his body.

And suddenly the easy, comfortable air morphs into heavy and charged.

"W-what?" I clear my throat.
"I don't feel anything. Something's wrong with you." I squeak.

His throaty laugh fills up the room as he shifts back to his place against the wall leaving me flustered.

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