Epilogue: Swan Song

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Six Months Later

"Hello everyone, and welcome to another Rooftop Ramble with your girl, Sasha!" the young girl spoke, voice bright and charismatic, waving into an expensive camera set up on a tripod that Felix was sitting behind, listening to the audio quality with a pair of large headphones. 

While Felix's bogus title of 'Public Relations Manager' had been a spur of the moment, self-declared appointment, Felix had ended up growing into the role. Like his brother, he had excellent knowledge about technology, so he monitored all social media mentions about Black Dove and the Parliament. He obliterated anything potentially damaging or identity-revealing from the face of the planet, but also helped Sasha with boosting their public image.

Like every other episode of her most popular series, she had chosen another pretty rooftop with a wonderful backdrop, and was clad in fashionable wide-leg jeans and a distressed grey Black Dove T-shirt, the comic-style print faded to make the shirt look lived-in. She had knotted the T-shirt at her navel, revealing a black leather belt fitted with silver eyelets which matched her pointed-toe black boots, adding a slightly grungy element to her look. Her hair was impeccably curled, held back by a padded headband that kept the wind from whipping her long locks into her face.

Sasha Abeles had become a pretty famous Youtuber over the past six months, known for both  her chatty nature and fashion sense, but even more for her videos featuring a certain winged superhero. Sasha's initial claim to fame had been a recorded Instagram live uploaded to her channel, which at that point had a whopping five subscribers (four of her closest friends, and her second account). That video, featuring the bona fide superhero Black Dove and a screeching cat, had racked up millions of views, but her channel subsequently forgotten.

At least, until she uploaded a second video many months later, which was an interview with Black Dove. It ended with the winged hero swooping down from her roof performing a wide variety of stunts, before getting chased across the lawn by the aforementioned cat (fondly nicknamed Black Dove's Kryptonite by her loyal subscribers).

Her third video hadn't featured the hero, but instead a masked Asian woman with bleached bangs, amazing eye-makeup and bejewelled nails. The girl was apparently an aspiring designer and Black Dove's personal stylist. They had made a video about superhero fashion, most notably touching on Black Dove's own suit, which the mystery girl had made. Alternative costume designs were shown, and the designer's talent was broadcast over the internet - she was now on track to starting her own online fashion empire.

After this third video, Sasha Abeles had amassed over 100,000 subscribers, and she made a video with Black Dove unboxing her silver play button. She made a show of Black Dove delivering the package onto a rooftop for her, much to the delight of her fans. This was the first video in the Rooftop Rambles series, and now with over 4 million subscribers, Sasha was in the midst of filming her 10th episode.

"Now, as always, here is a quick recap of Black Dove's deeds over the past fortnight," Sasha said again, gesturing into the air beside her, where she would edit in a montage of Black Dove's heroic activities. She always started off the episodes with a little news reel of Black Dove's greatest hits of the fortnight, the footage supplied by both eager fans that donated self-captured videos, plus some from the hero himself.

"It hasn't been a quiet week for our favourite hero - he's been busy, flying around and helping our dear city as he always does. He's stopped an attempted bank robbery while belting out Mariah Carey songs, and he helped minimise the damage of a near-fatal car crash by lifting one of the cars into the air and parallel parking it on the roadside. He was also very popular during his visit to the Royal Children's Hospital," Sasha explained, pausing emphatically to let out an 'aw' at the empty space beside her, as if seeing the video of Black Dove giving a group of eager children 1-metre high flights inside the hospital. "How adorable!"

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