2. Annabeth

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There were no clues or hints as to where Bruce went and who took him but I knew and was fairly certain everyone knew that it had to be the League of Assassins.
"That makes it eleven" Barbara said
Me, Percy, Cass, and Dick were back in the dark cave. Only one computer screen was lit up with all eleven files.
"Batman being the most recent, Zatanna being the first" Babs continued through the mics "Eight Heroes, Four scientists all disappeared without a trace in the past month. Aquaman, Green arrow, Zatanna, Captain Marvel, Donna Troy, Hal Jordan, Jessica Cruz, and now Bruce."
I frowned at the large computer screen.
"There's no clues as to where they've gone, aside from a Lantern ring. Guy says it was Hal's. But other than that nothing and with no apparent pattern" Babs went on
"It's the assassins" I said with a frown "Who else would have the man power or the guts to take these guys from under our nose."
"Annabeth is right" Cass said quietly
"I mean it makes logical sense but we still have no evidence" Percy said
"Since when do you recognize logic?" I asked
He grinned at me and was about to respond when Barbara cut him off.
"Percy is right we need evidence"
"So let's go find some" I said
"You three need to go to bed" Dick said
"Oh so your playing adult now?" I teased but when I saw his face I regretted it. He was really, really worried about Bruce.
"Sorry" I mumbled
"Dick has a point" Barbara said "Annabeth your dad might be wondering where you are"
"Trust me he won't notice" I said "He never does."
"Still" She said "You should go"
I sighed and stood. It was still my first night back and she was right.
"Let me know if you guys find anything" I said
"Will do"

I went to the front door first, which was locked. Of course he forgot I was gone. Groaning I went around back but that was also locked. After a quick glance around I pulled a pin from my pocket and set to work picking the lock. I wasn't as good as Percy but I still got it open within a minute and closed it quietly behind me. Now all I had to do was navigate the minefield of Legos and figurines of soldiers and tanks and planes from various wars.
The kitchen would be the easiest to get through so I crept my way there. I was just passing the sink in the middle of the kitchen when an explosion of a bullet followed by a crash of glass made me jump. I dove to the ground until I realized that it had come from the next room over. I got to my feet and cursed my dad's surround sound.
I peaked around the corner to see the back of my dad's head and my stepmom's, June, turned toward the TV watching some James Bond movie.
I reached for my back pocket where my hat usually was but I had left it on my desk before I left.
With any luck I would be able to sneak past and down the hall to my room...I walked as far away as possible, pressed against the wall. Unfortunately I never had much luck with anything.
"Annabeth?" Dad asked squinting in the dark.
Even in just the light of the TV I could see a face of realization as he remembered that I had gone with Percy and Cass earlier that day.
"What are you doing?" He demanded as June paused the TV
"Um going to bed?" I offered

I was on the couch as my dad and Stepmom were trying to be as quiet as possible so they wouldn't wake up Bobby and Matthew.
"I thought you were home in your room" Dad was saying "But suddenly you're sneaking through the house at two in the morning! How did you even get inside the doors were locked"
"A window" I lied it was better than telling him I picked a lock.
"And you just left without telling me?" He asked
"Oh I told you" I mumbled "You were just too busy to notice"
He paused and straightened his glasses
"But 2AM Annabeth?"
"Sorry we were watching a movie and I fell asleep" I lied "You can call Mr. Wayne if you don't believe me"
This made him pause and I just prayed to Zeus he wouldn't actually call the Manor.
"And instead of calling you just sneak in through the back-" June started
"If you don't remember I can't really just call Willy nilly" I cut in "Unless you want me dead or monster dust everywhere"
"This isn't the first time though" Dad said "It's been pretty consistent when you've been living here and i-"
Dad took of his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose
"Just go to bed Annabeth, we'll talk about this in the morning"
I sighed and retreated to my room

Dad didn't even mention it in the morning. When I woke up he was already in his office doing...something probably World War II research. June was in the kitchen cooking pancakes and Matthew and Bobby were building towers with Legos. Actually really good ones like one I would dream of designing.
Surprisingly June didn't say anything about the night before either. She just offered me a plate of pancakes and went about her business.
"Hey!" Bobby shouted "That's mine!"
"No it's not i built it!" Matthew argued
I sighed and stood walking over to them and seeing the small Lego tower they were arguing over.
"How about you guys just destroy the tower and split the pieces" I suggested
The both frowned as I took apart the tower and gave them each half but they stopped yelling so I considered it a win.
I sat down on the ground with them and began to design my own tower. It was similar to one that had been on Daedalus' laptop or as close as you could get to it using Legos.
After a few minutes of that a knock echoed from the front door.
"Hey Mrs. Chase, is Annabeth around?"
"Percy!" Matthew and Bobby sprung up and sprinting for the door.
I smiled before following them "Hey Seaweed Brain"
"Hey Wise Girl" Percy said as Matthew and Bobby shoved their towers in his face asking him to judge who's was best. "Cass and I were gonna go get some stuff for school and wanted to see if you wanted to come"
"Uh" I frowned "Probably if..."
"You can go" June sighed "But come back before 2AM"
"Can't make any promises" I called as I followed Percy out the door when it closed he said
"Things seem to be okay"
I shrugged "Some days are better than others. Most the time it's bearable"
"That's good"
"So did you guys find any clues?" I asked
"None" He shook his head "Though we did catch Shiva on some security cameras recently. In New Jersey"
I frowned "Does Cass know?"
"Well...yeah" He looked at me "Why?"
"Just.. nevermind" I said It had been a year though and Cassandra made that deal and...."Do you think Shiva has anything to do with the missing persons?"
"I doubt it" Percy said "She left the Assassins a while ago but she could. If she does I doubt she'd spill anything though."
"None of them would" I said "They're trained to..."
Percy looked at me
"I'm fine" I said before he could say anything "It was a year ago"
"A year ago and you haven't told us what happened" He said
"Yes I did"  I said "Just not..."
"Everything?" He suggested
"Don't worry about it Percy" I said
He frowned but let the subject drop as we got to the car, the old mustang that Dick bought a while back.
"Wait so we're actually going to go get school things?" I groaned
"Yes" Dick said "We can't always have fun"
"So eleven people go missing and we're worried about school?" I asked
"We'll talk on the way" Dick said "Hopefully by the end of the day Babs will have a lead."

When I got a chance I pulled Cass away from the group.
"You have to tell them about Shiva" I said "Or at least let me help you-"
"No. You'll get hurt"
"And you might die"
"I can beat her" Cass drummed her fingers on the side of her leg "I know I can"
"This is Lady Shiva" I reminded her
"I know"
I sighed and twisted the beads on my necklace "Cass look either you tell them or I will. I'm not going to let you run into this suicide mission alone"
"Yes I can" She said
"You and I both know why Shiva is near Gotham and in a few days she'll show up here" I said "To kill you"
"I won't die"
"You trust me?"
"Yes I trust you but-"
"Then let me do this" She said "You can tell them. It won't stop me"
"Cassie if anything-"
"If anything happens I made a...difference this year" She said "That matters"
"But you have to continue making a difference you can continue to make a difference-"
"I couldn't if I didn't get her help"
"Yes you-"
"No" She said "It's to late anyway. But I helped people and that's what matters"
With that she headed back towards Percy, Dick, and Barbara.
Within a week Cassandra Cain would be dead unless I did something about it. And doing something about it was my plan.
And that's a wrap on chapter 2 Thanks y'all for your support and for getting Blue Robin to 90K reads it means a ton! Let me know what you think of this chapter and comment or PM me with any suggestions!

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