Surfing & Stumbling

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"True love exists

in moments stumbled upon by accident"



After comforting Kiara for a while Pope had come to take over

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After comforting Kiara for a while Pope had come to take over. I'd given him knowing smile and let them have some time alone. Those two were definitely turning into something.

I'd gone for a walk along the beach, using it as time to think about everything. I found my thoughts incessantly wandering back to the cocky, funny, broken blond boy that made me feel so many different ways all at once. 

How could he kiss me like that and then act like nothing had happened?

It had awakened something in me and I wanted to do it again. I longed so badly to be wrapped around his body again and feel his lips on mine. His hands on me. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms and wake up feeling safe like I had when I'd slept in his bed that one night. 

I wanted so badly for that kiss to not have been just a drunken mistake for him.

I wanted him so badly it hurt.

For once walking did not help me sort my thoughts. It only made me more confused. And the person I wanted to talk about them the most was ignoring me.

Eventually I found my feet leading me back to the Chateau where the boys were now all hanging out. Kiara had apparently gone home, and it was just them there, drinking beers and discussing the "catfight" that had just happened.

"I know this is my fault, but it's our problem" John B said, looking at everyone.

We all gave him an annoyed look. 

"We have to make them cooperate"

"How? They'll just get into another girl fight. Who knows what they're actually even fighting about."

"Athena you're a girl!" John B exclaimed.

"Thanks for noticing" I rolled my eyes.

"No I mean, what should we do?"

I shrugged.

Eventually John B came up with the terrible plan of stranding them on the boat together with a joint so they would be forced to talk.

"You cant just leave them there".

I tried to discourage them from their ridiculous plan, but halfheartedly because I knew they wouldn't listen to me. They were already set on it.

"Alright, well now that you guys got this all figured out, Im gonna go" JJ deadpanned.

There was a chorus of incredulousness from the group. 

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