Chapter 23 - A Kickin' Ass Birthday.

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[A/N: Sorry It took so long, I was really struggling to just get my ideas down. I hope it's not too bad :D ]

Two weeks and three days after we took down the last Red Room base, it is November 22nd 2003, which also happens to be Nat's 19th birthday.

This is the first year she will actually know that it is her birthday, and of course the first year she will celebrate it. We are keeping it small obviously, just the two of us, but it is the first time she will ever celebrate her birthday, I have to make it memorable.

Besides, I want to make her smile, and I am also slightly concerned that knowing more about her past now, this may be a difficult day for her, and I really want to erase that.

I still don't see the point of big birthday celebrations like you see in all the movies, but I suppose I can understand wanting a small celebration. Nat and I even celebrated my birthday together back in April. I guess my opinion on birthdays has changed a bit since I now have someone I want to share them with.

I suppose now that I am actually starting to...enjoy life, celebrating it doesn't seem so...pointless.

Either way, I want this birthday to be special for Nat, and so...I made a plan. Which is why I am standing in the kitchen at 6:45, making blueberry pancakes. They're her favourite.

She still tries to hide her preferences, her likes and dislikes, but she is getting better at sharing them. At least around me.

HYDRA always told us both that anything we have is a luxury and should be appreciated. Now while that is true in general, it is not so true in HYDRA.

They wouldn't allow us any actual luxuries, always giving us the bare minimum and conditioning us to believe that wanting more was wrong. That having preferences was a weakness. That we should be punished for even thinking of wanting more. For thinking we had options.

It's something we are both getting better at. But some days are better than others, and we often find ourselves returning to old habits. Thankfully we have each other to help whenever that happens. That doesn't make it easy though. We are still learning how to be...


I am pulled from my thoughts as I hear her heartbeat getting closer. Seconds later I hear her footsteps. She isn't deliberately being quiet. Thats just how she moves. Sometimes I think she is incapable of being noisy. Not that I'm bad at being quiet either. Lord knows Ned and MJ have complained about me sneaking up on them enough times.

Grabbing the plates of pancakes, I turn to greet her. "Hey Nat." I say with a smile putting the plates on the breakfast counter, before rounding the table and grabbing her into a hug which she quickly returns. "Happy Birthday". I whisper into her hair, placing a light kiss on her forehead.

I don't want to overwhelm her with cheer, and frankly, I am not a cheery type of person. So I am trying to be myself, and let her be herself. Especially around each other, because we still both don't trust anyone else very much. Besides, I know she appreciates my sincerity more than unnecessary cheer.

She smiles softly, tears shining in her eyes. "Thank you". She whispers back, barely audible, but I hear it thanks to my enhanced hearing.

I kiss her forehead again, quietly whispering back "anytime." before going to grab the coffee pot from the counter, and placing it on the table.

"I made pancakes too." I say, smiling a little wider at the look of happiness on her face.

"I see that." She says back jokingly but I take it for the thanks that I know it is, nodding my head slightly in acknowledgment, earning me a grateful smile.

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