Sweet Beginnings

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Being stood up in fanciest restaurants on the night of Valentine's Day is heartbreaking, earth shattering, paralyzing even.

It's not even being stood up that hurts most but the constant glances from surrounding tables, the silent whispers and the worst of them all is the nagging waiter asking if you are ready to order yet.

I play with the slip in my hand, folding it into small squares as I wait for my two heart shaped pizzas and the free coke that comes with. It's been more than thirty minutes now and I'm starting to get a little annoyed.

My foot begins a silent tapping rhythm as I begin chewing on my nails. I've read somewhere that it's a real disorder, nail picking but I can't really stop. I've tried countless times but after about two minutes my hands are back in my mouth.

A bottle of Coke and a cupcake are delivered to my table, as I look up ready to explain the misunderstanding, I'm met with Jack's face my male Bestie and an employee of this establishment.

"Stop biting on your fingernails," He says like my mother always does and quickly disappears as Mr. Williams calls him back to work.

Mr. Williams, owner of the Pizza Shack, he raises his hand and I wave mine back at him, he's like my second dad and he knows about my fortune cookies obsession which is why I always get double the usual amount of them.

On my second bite of the cupcake, a small strip of paper pokes out, I pull it out and it reads: The one you love is closer than you think.

Yeah right, like that's true. I chuckle dryly, popping the last remainder of the cupcake in my mouth. The only thing I'll be loving tonight is pizza, ice-cream and an expensive box of chocolates from my parents.

"356!" Jack screams from the collection table, a few people look down at their slips but I'm already up as I've already memorized my order number.

"Pick you up in two, love you." I say grabbing the two boxes and tucking the Cola under my arm.

Jack works every Friday and sadly tonight too, even though it's V-Day. But the best part is Valentine's doesn't end until midnight and his shift ends at 8.

You're probably wondering why I'm here now though and not at 8. The place gets packed full, the doors are closed shut, no more orders coming in and they only let people out. That's how packed it gets.

Just as I stumble past a few feet, blocking my way. I look up and my eyes land on her, her curly hair bouncing on her shoulders as she takes a sip of her red wine.

Her red dress is the best I've seen in my centuries in this town. The way it fits on her body it accentuates her figure, and the length stops right under her knees, highlighting her calves.

But the way she keeps looking down at her watch and the door can only mean one thing. She's been stood up.

I look at the tables around her and people are looking at her- whispering not so silently. She doesn't give them a response though she keeps glaring right back at them.

I look at her one last time before going to my car, I start up the engine and my mind keeps screaming for me to go back. Before I can reverse and be gone I kill the engine and walk back inside because somehow I have a feeling if I leave now I'll never see her again.

I turn around. I look at myself through the glass doors, taking in my oversized hoodie, black jeans and the glasses on my nose. I push them up before coating my pointer finger with my saliva, laying my untamed eyebrows down. After one last glance, I'm satisfied with my appearance.

I keep my back straight and my head held up high as I walk towards her table, as if on cue she looks up the second my butt makes contact with the chair opposite hers.

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