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I'm blinded by a bright white light as my eyes flutter open, using my hand I shield myself from the sunlight as my eyes wander around. Okay, poster of NF on the wall, pink duvet and a curtain made of the lgbt flag, definitely Alex's room.

I try sitting up but she's is still holding on to my waist. I rub at my tired eyes, laying my head back down on the pillow as I tilt to the left, saliva is running down Alex's mouth as her hair is all over the place.

The light shinning through the curtain can only mean one thing, it's morning and I have to get home to get read-

Wait a minute we're naked.
Like naked, naked.

Images of last night flood my mind, as my heart rockets against my chest. No, no, no, what the hell is my mind showing me?

We didn't right, we couldn't have because we're best friends and best friends don't sleep together. I mean yeah, sure we can share our first kiss with each other but not sex.

My phone, I need my dear phone in my hand this instant. I peel myself away from Alex's grip and land on the floor with a loud thud my poor behind, and it's so freaking cold. I grab a gown from the floor and throw it over my naked body.

Okay, my phone.

My eyes dart around the room and land on the plug just next to the bed. Thank God I charged it. I unplug it from the extension and make my way out of the bedroom and to the bathroom without waking Alex up.

I scroll through my contact list  pressing call on Pearl's number. It rings for a few seconds before it connects.

"Hey shawty." She says between yawns. Shawty is my annoying sister's nickname for me. Why did I even call her again? "You there, kid?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm here. So what's up? How's Uni life?" I try making conversation before jumping onto business.

"Cute guys, freedom and all the booze I could chug down my throat, yeah University is pretty great, well except for clas-"

"Great. " I cut her off because honestly if I don't she could go on and on for hours. "I did something bad, well not necessarily bad but bad in my books, okay maybe it's bad in the name of friendship, shit and I-"

"I swear to God Hazel if you don't start making sense I'm hanging up, God only knows how much sleep my v-jay jay needs after the night I just had." She sighs and I can hear a matchstick slide over the box.

"I slept with Alex." I say, rubbing at my temples and sighing loudly having said it out loud.

"Shawty, Shawty, Shawty." I can imagine her shaking her head side to side. "Alex is Liv's sloppy seconds and before things get out of hand, address the issue. I mean who sleeps with their dead twins ex."

"You're not helping." I slide down the bathroom wall, picking at the nail polish on my feet.

"Just fix it, my one night stand just woke up... No- coffee is a few bucks at starbucks, dude get out of my apartment...kay, he's gone, I might be coming home soon."

"Soon?" I question, "Pearl, you there?"

I look at my phone as silence follows, bloody woman dropped the phone. I get up from the floor and make my way into Alex's bedroom again and she's still sleeping.

I tear a page from her notebook and scribble a little note.

Be back in 20 minutes.

I put on my shoes and I'm definitely not taking off the gown, mhh it's so fluffy and warm. I'm stealing it. She can have mine.

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