You Won't Believe This False Hope

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I had an amazing time last night and hope grew inside me that maybe things would be okay but nothing could have prepared me that the same hope would have turned out to be false, untrue, invalid. And that was all because Anna Smith, the woman in the red dress lied to me.

As I sit in this cold chair, bored out of my mind, staring at Jack sleeping, guess Valentine's Day took a toll on all of us.

In less than two minutes Mr Paddington is going to walk through the door with so much confidence and excitement you'd swear he got laid last night. The man's happiness makes my blood boil, no one is that happy all the time.

Alex walks in with three cups of coffee in one of those brown cupboard coffee holders you get when you order more than one coffee. Fingers crossed that it's still hot, I can use some energy inside me.

"One of those for me baby girl!" Mark hollers from the back of the class, and it takes everything in me not to stand up and give him a piece of my mind, instead I flicker my middle finger, which earns me the same treatment from him.

We don't like Mark, by we I mean my friends and I and almost everyone in this school who knows better. Mark in 8th grade was this cute little dude who we hung out with but now, he's enemy number 1 mainly because he's annoying, and he broke Jack's heart.

Mark is gay, but when your father is the coach of the football team you happen to be a star player at and your mom is a priestess being gay is not an option which is why only a handful of people know about Mark's sexuality.

I don't mind that Mark is still closeted in fact to my parents I'm floating in the same boat as he is. What ticks me off about him is whenever there was a party, Mark and Jack would hook up, and they'd be drunk and the next morning Mark would pretend nothing happened, giving Jack the cold shoulder and for a hot second Jack was all for it until it wasn't fun anymore.

To sum it all up Mark is hated by myself and my friends, even though Jack still has a soft spot for him, but he still hates him.

Alex hands me the cup of coffee, thankfully it's steaming hot, she places one on Jack's table too and he lifts his head up, takes a sip mumbling, "Jesus loves you Al."

I take a sip and thank the heavens that steam is rising on the small opening. I open it up and pour in my five sachets of sugar, I'm a sweet junkie, always have and always will be.

Alex turns her chair so it's facing my table.

"So let me get this straight, last night you scored a perfect brunch and you didn't eat it." Alex shakes her head side to side. "You disappoint me woman."

"Al, Hazel is a baby, our baby, don't fill her head with your nonsense." Jack defends me.

"Thank you, Jack but you guys she was different, and we kissed that must count for something."

"Yeah, counts for shit in my bo-" Alex's voice fades as my mind drifts off to last night.

(Last night)

"Can I ask you something?" I say turning to the aisle where you get all your rice and mealie meal in the shop.

"I'm not going to kiss you." She takes a box of lasagna and tosses in the trolley, "Dairy."

"You will." I turn the cart around, and we move to the other side of the shop. If it were my mother and I in this grocery store I'd be dragging my feet and sighing every second but surprisingly I think I like grocery shopping.

"Oh my!!" I gasp leaving the trolley behind, "It's been ages since I last had these, we have to get them." I say grabbing the biggest packet of jelly beans.

The good the bad and the okay I guess(GxG) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora