Cookies And Muffins

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Yesterday was the weirdest day ever, mom finally made it out of bed and is going to work next week Monday. Which brings me to the horrible news of me havibg to get a job.

I've never worked a day in my life and all of a sudden I'm expected to find a job or I won't have pocket money.

Pearl decided to stick around till Monday, turns out she was lying whrn sje said she'd dtay but I understand that she has school, doesn't mske it hurt less though.

"You okay?" Alex asks as she hands me my coffee, I nod as I take a sip  putting it on the cup holder.

I can hear everyone talking, I'm not sure about what. All I can think about is I have to get a job, I'll probably have to start by the pizza shack and I'm not exactly happy to see Anna today.

My phone chimes and I pick it up, the hell is texting me in the morning, while I'm freaking driving, I know don't text and drive but there's no cars around and I'm going super slow.

Dirty little secrets always come out.

What the hell? It's feom an unknown number. Okay, I have many secrets. Is it about the night my sister died, about Anna? My obsession with dating older women? Stealing food at night?

There's a picture attached to the message, I press on it and wait for it to be clear.

My heart stops beating as I stare at a picture of Anna and I making out, the picture from Valentines day, whoever had this kept it for a long time. Why send it now? Who is it? What do they want from me?

"Hazel!!! " Alex screams and I look up to find I just drove through a red light, "Are you trying to kill us!" She screams, I quickly pull over, my trembling hands cling on to the steering wheel and I take deep breaths, my heart is beating out of my chest.

"I'm so sorry, it's jus- I'm sorry,"

"Hey, hey, look at me. " I can hear Alex saying but I can't move, I can't move, "Haze, hey look at me, it's okay, we're okay."

"I c-c-can't- m-ove, Alex I can't move." Alex gets out of the car and I can see her walking over to my side but I still can't move, "Shhh," she wraps her arms around my body and wraps mine around her neck, tight.

"I'm so sorry." I keep whispering 

"It's okay," Alex rubs my back, "Just breathe," Her voice is strong and yet soothing, "Breath." She repeats, pulling back and cupping my face in her hands, "Just breathe, okay?" nodding I take deep breaths, In and out, in and out, slowly but surely calming myself  down.

Alex instructs me to sit on the passengers side and I follow orders, she gets on the driver seat and closes the door. Starting the car she turns around, "Where are we going?" Luna whispers from the back seat.

"To the beach," Alex deadpans

"Uh, and school?"

"School isn't going anywhere, it's going to be there tomorrow, next year, so one day away won't hurt."

I take a peek at my phone and the picture is still staring at me. What the hell am I gonna do?

We arrive at the beach and it's so quiet, and calm. Alex parks the car and we go sit on the sand, we form a circle and silence follows, Luna looks out into the sea, Jack looks up at the sky and Alex looks at me, and smiles.

"Are you alright?" Jack raises his eyebrow and stares at me.

"It's nothing, just lost it for a sec. I'm sorry." I apologize once again, I didn't mean to space out, it just happened.

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