It's The End Of The World

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I'm awoken by someone throwing themselves on top of me, it's to early for this shit. I groan and try to sit up, but can't. My nose picks up Anna's perfume, and I realize I'm not in my bed, this one feels softer than mine, I need a new bed.

"Anna, I swear to god if you don't get up I WILL KILL YOU!"

"Okay okay, relax." She says, "Come eat breakfast."

"It's too early." I cry out, grabbing my phone and switching it on, Anna grabs it from me and rushes downstairs that.

"YOU LITTLE DEVIL!!!" I scream,  chasing her down the stairs. "You're too easy." She smirks, placing my phone next to my plate of bacon and eggs, I get up and pour myself a cup of coffee.

"You know I'm Allergic to Pork." I smile at her, "I love eggs though."

"Oh, uh... Sorry." She takes the bacon from my plate and puts it between her teeth.

"I love bacon." She chews just near my ear, "Hear that, crispy."

"I hate you," I pout, I feel the soft skin of her mouth on my face, A small grin creeps onto my face.

"Any allergies on your side."

"Just Peanuts."

"The most common allergy, you disappoint me woman."

"I disappoint you?" She giggles,


She puts a cup of black coffee infront of me and I take a sip but nope, I need milk. I'm about to turn around and take it out of the fridge when Anna puts the two litre next to me.

"You're the best." I pop open the cap and pour it in.

Anna spins my chair so it's facing her, "I know I've like kissed you a million times last night but can I like kiss you a million more."

"Come here." I pull her close and she lands on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck, she immediately attacks my lips and for the millionth time my insides flutter, my heart races and my head spins.

"I haven't brushed my teeth." I pull back, "Sorry."

"You taste like coffee by the way." And that makes me feel a little better.

While eating I keep stealing glances at her and so does she, like the first time you realize you really like that girl sipping a cold beer at the bar and flirting with your eyes.

That's probably how our relationship should have began but we just sailed past the awkwardness and got right down to business.

"I'll take a  quick shower, then I'll drive us to school?"

"Sounds go- Yeah that's going to be a problem I usually drive my friends to school."

"Can't you make an exception?" She rounds the table and again settles on my lap, "For me." She burries her head on the crook of my neck, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. She tilts my head to the side, leaving wet kisses on my skin and I crumble like freaking bread crumbs.


"Is that a yes?" She pulls back, pecks my lips and stares with expectant eyes.

"You're very manipulative, you know that, right? ." I pull back.

"It's in my DNA, Hannah is a little mini me, we'll enter the shop with the agreement of buying her on chocolate bar but we also leave the shop with her holding chips, chocolate and those mini- ultramel."

"I think I'd love her."

"You would." Anna says, "I'm gonna be righ back." She says, running up the stairs like a five year old.

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