Why Do You Hate Me So Much?

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I texted Anna to check in, but I got no response. She was online, I could see that, but she just didn't respond and it kept me up the whole night, had I done something and not realize it.

On top of that the mysterious texter had gone dark and it finally began stressing me out, they wanted something from me, whoever they were they wanted something I'm not sure I can give.

"Please tell me I'm baking Muffins with Vee tomorrow," Jack looks at me with pleading eyes, Everyone says Weed isn't addictive, but seeing how Jack is, the person it's turned him inot, I'd say it's debatable. He doesn't know how to function without it and that worries me, but not much because it can't kill him, not like Liv.

"Sure, just add some fruit in there." Vee is our code name for weed, I don't really want to get high, but it'll make the day more fun, my mom can't celebrate my birthday, she likes to mourn instead. Dad used to try, he'd buy me cake and presents and make it seem as normal as he could, but it wasn't and could never be.

He's gone now too, just mom and I, it's not at all reassuring, mom isn't my favorite person in the world, I love her, I do but living without her there made me not want to depend on her, it made me trust her less and less.

Jack leans back on his chair, slouching to be precise and throws his blazer over his face and just like that he's gone. He's like that, he spends so much time in his head it terrifies me, but every time I try to talk to him, he waves it off and makes a joke or something, but I can feel it, sense it. Something is wrong with him.

Something is wrong with us all I guess, I haven't seen my friends in a while, like really see them. I've just been wrapped up in my own mind to think about anyone else, but why do I have to reach out, why can't they I'm not the glue that hilds us together that's probably Jack's job, was Jack's job.

My attention moves to the door as I hear shoes echoing through the dead halls if Shadow Velly High, it's Anna, I just know it.

She walks in and goes straight to her desk, her eyes fell over our heads, taking inventory as per usual, but unlike before her eyes don't meet mine, instead she looks over at Jack and being done with that she takes out her books from her case and clasps her hands together.

"Morning guys," She says, "Today it's test day." Everyone groans and some complain she didn't tell us about it beforehand.

"Relax, it's just an essay. I'll give you the period and I'll be collecting, it's out of 30 marks and counts towards your end year mark, no need to write a rought draft."

I just pack my books away, leaving a pen and ruler on the desk. I was never good at figuring people out, and it drives me mad when people act childish and pretend I don't exist, you want to cut me out of your life, Fine just have the decency to tell me.

Anna hands out the papers and I scann over the topics, nothing sparking interest. I don't move for the next ten minutes, Anna keeps looking over at me, she wants to say something but doesn't. After about fifteen minutes I finally begin, I have thirty minutes left before the bell rang.

It's frustrating how easy it is to write for fun, but the minute it's for school my mind just blanks. I put pen to paper and began cribbling my essay, I choose the topic asking about my favorite series, which is Wynonna Earp, I'm planning on rewatching it tomorrow to end off my birthday.

There is still 7 minutes left and I'm done. I tear at the skin around my nails, I had stopped, I had but with this anxiety cursing through my veins I just need something to keep busy with.

All the famous Authors and Movie writers said the eyes are a window to someone's soul, but Anna's eyes are cold and empty, so much so that it adds to my anxiety.

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