I'm Screwed

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We spilt as Alex goes to Maths while Jack and I have History. "Where's your first period?" I ask Luna

"Business studies."

"We'll take you there," I say, we'll be late but we have an excuse so that's better.

We walk down the corridors of East High, a place where dreams come to die. I can't wait till I'm out of this place, someplace different where I don't have to wear uniform or sit in boring classes with boring teaches and girls who think they've made it in life cause they were three shades of lipstick.

I want to make it out of this town, I don't know what I want to be after high school but as long as I'm out of this town, I don't care what I become.

We arrive at Business studies, "Okay, kid this is where we leave you. You'll be fine." I awkwardly pat her back.

"Yeah, see you at lunch?" She says

"Yep." Jack and I leave her standing on the outside, taking in deep breaths, First day sucks, especially if it's just you alone.

"She'll be fine, right?" Jack says walking beside me.

"She'll survive." I whisper more to myself than him. We get to class and already they've started on the topic of the Month.

"Look who decided to grace us with their precence." Mr Black says, taking out his debit book. If you're late you get a green debit and if they reach ten, you're suspended, mine are probably at 8.

"Coffee, sir." Jack holds out his cup of coffee to him, "It's strong and milky, just the way you like."

Mr black shakes his head side to side as he takes the coffee, having forgotten about the debits. "Sit down." He points to our seats as he takes a sip. "Just the way I like it." He sighs

God, I love my best friend.

"Mr Allen is arguing that the world is all about black lives matter these days, his complaints are that white lives matter too. Miss Johansson present your argument.


The sir sits down at his desk, sipping Jack's coffee, maybe I should have offered him mine. With a wave of a hand he tells me to start.

"Well sir, I think that the Black lives matter movement doesn't mean Anti white, I mean if white people were being shot down for the colour of their skin maybe then we'd be fighting a war of all lives matter on which they do matter but it's about how many black people are killed each year and their only crime is being born with a darker complexion, Black people are just saying stop killing us."

"That's interesting, anyone who would like to say something before we continue."

Kendra raises her hand, here we go. She doesn't like me, ever since I stole her boyfriend's first kiss in third grade she has been out to get me.

In all fairness back then I didn't even know what sexuality was.

"Hazel, is white. How can she say she understands?"

Maybe I should just apologize for kissing her boyfriend.

"I'm not saying I understand, in fact I'll never understand and because of that it goes to prove that injustice is rooted in the DNA of the world. What I'm saying is I'll never understand, but I stand with the fight. My skin colour has afforded me many privileges that a person of colour would never have gotten and that makes me sick."

We spend the rest of the period debating about Racism and Injustices we all face in the world.

"Thank you class for your views on the matter, tomorrow we start on page 73." Mr Black says as the bell rings for next class.

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