Chapter 2

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  Three days. It had been three days and there was still no sign of their mate waking up. Max and Lexi had only left the room to eat and use the necessary facilities, always leaving her with one of them.

"We are not leaving her mom!" exclaimed Max after her mother expressed that they needed to catch up on their work that they had left sitting since their return.

"I understand that you are worried for her, but I will be here and inform you if she wakes up." explained their mother. "Besides you have work to do." she stated leaving no room for argument as she ushered them out of the room.

"Alright. Any sign that she is waking up or anything and you need to let us know." said Lexi as her mom pushed her out.

"Of course dear." said Heather smiling at her daughters. With them finally gone Heather took the opportunity to check on all of the unconscious girls injuries. She made quick work of checking all the gashes that she had to stitch up that were mainly on her back. It confused her to no end as to why a pack would keep a human to this extent. It only made sense to her that the girl was human as she couldn't smell wolf on her besides her daughters and the silver shackles that her staff had a hard time removing once they stabilized her. It had been tedious once they had got her breathing again. Having to preform a sudden surgery to fix her punctured lung and reset her leg then finally stitch all her gashes and there were more then she had wanted to count.

It was later in the day that Heather heard a small whimper from the girl. Max and Lexi had asked her every half hour hour for an update and it had drove her nuts.

*Max, Lexi. Don't over react. Now she is starting to wake up, however I don't want to over whelm her so until she is awake and understands what happened Don't come here. Plus we have to know why she was in the dungeon of another pack.* Heather stated ignoring the anger and the outbursts coming from her daughters. * It will be fine, finish your rounds then go to the office till i tell you to come in, but don't test me on this. You maybe the Alpha's but I am still your mother.* Demanded Heather shutting both her daughters up besides the occasional grumble. It was just in time as one of the girls eyes opened. Her right eye stayed closed as her left light blue eye glanced around and her breathing became labored as she realized she was not in her cell.

"Its ok dear, I need you to calm down. Your safe here, my daughters found you at the Wild Blood pack and brought you here." Heather calmly said as the girls eye found her then immediately dropped her gaze. "take a deep breath for me hun. That's it. You were in really rough shape, we almost lost you. Would it be okay if I ask you some questions hun? We need to be sure that you won't be a danger to our pack." Heather asked continuing with her soft tone to not scare the already terrified girl any more. The girl slowly nodded her head, Heather knew it was only a yes out of fear but she would take that over a no.

"Thank you. What is your name dear?" was Heather's first question but she noticed the girls puzzlement at her saying thank you. It was as though she had never heard the word being said to her. The girl looked up slightly making sure not to make eye contact opening and closing her mouth.

"Can you talk hun?" Heather asked after a few moments of silence. The girl shook her head and flinched as though expecting to be hit. "That's ok hun, I will try to keep it to yes and no questions ok." replied Heather keeping her voice calm and quiet. Seeing her small nod "Thank you. My daughters found you in a dungeon. Have you been there long?" asked Heather receiving a nod. "Did you get put in there for a crime to the pack?" again the girl nodded making Heather worry. "Okay I need to know what crime you committed. Would you be willing to let me read your mind, it will be painless and would help." asked Heather. There are a few werewolves that have extra abilities and Heather had the ability to read minds which she didn't use often and always had permission. The girl looked puzzled but nodded.

"Thank you, I just need you to lay back and relax. Your going to feel my presence in your mind but it won't hurt." said Heather moving up towards her head and sent an update to her worried family.

* She is awake and calm, she is answering questions but seems she can't or won't talk. She has agreed to letting me read her mind, I will project everything I find to you as well.* She explained to her daughters and husband.

"Alright, I am going to place my hands on the side of your head, just breath for me." Heather explained before softly placing her hands on either side of her head feeling the girl flinch at the contact. Heather focused on the girl and soon found herself tearing up at the memories she was faced with.

The crime that the girl said that she had committed was nothing, the pack simply claimed that she had committed a crime the moment she was born. The oldest memory she had was at the age of five, which was twelve years ago, when she was thrown into the cell only knowing her name, Iris. Tears streaked down her face as she went through the beatings she received daily and the threats she had gotten. The only thing that Heather was glad for was that the men who beat the poor girl never touched her sexually, though they threatened it and said that they couldn't wait till there Alpha allowed them to tear into her.

Her thoughts were stopped when a soft hand wiped her tears. She looked down at Iris' big eye. She had yet to open her right eye and was glancing between her hand that was wet from her tears and her.

"You, sweet child have gone through way to much." Heather whispered leaning down a kissing her forehead almost chuckling at the small purr and wide eye that was looking up at her. "There are two people who would like to meet you little one. They are nice, my daughters they are the ones that got you out of that place. Is that okay." asked Heather moving to sit on the side of Iris' bed. At the hesitant nod Heather linked with Lexi and Max,

* She is ready to meet you. Calm yourselves before you enter, this girl has gone through to much.*

* We saw it all mom. We will not let her go through it alone.* stated Max still clearly agitated from what she had seen her mate go through. Max's need to be with her hurting mate was sky rocketing, she couldn't wait any longer. The moment she had touched Iris her inner Mommy Dom had come out whether or not Iris was a little, she wanted nothing more then to protect her and she new it was the same for Lexi. She used her thumb and wiped off the tears on Lexi's cheeks before kissing her.

"Lets do meet our little mate." Max said when their kiss broke. Max took Lexi by the hand as they walked together to their missing half that they had been waiting for.

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