Chapter 6

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(Shorter chapter for you. Just wanted to give a shout out to  Ekimies01 for my first votes, completely made my day. Thank you so much for reading my story, hope you all continue to enjoy it.)

 Lexi didn't take long going to the kitchen to grab Iris, Max and herself some food. Stopping only to get an update from Caleb on the warriors and how the rounds have been, as well as any news on the rogue issue that has been rising. Once Caleb updated her she finished grabbing the food and drinks growling in anger when Cassandra entered the kitchen. Ignoring her Lexi grabbed the tray of food and drinks, heading back to her room and to her mates.

* Max can you grab the door love?* asked Lexi when she got to the door with her arms full with the tray of food and drinks.

Max was quick to slide out from under Iris who was completely entrapped with the movie, to grab the door. As soon as Max opened the door she took the tray from Lexi.

"Thanks love. How is our little bug?" asked Lexi kissing Max's cheek and looking at Iris who had wide eyes as she gasped from a part in the movie causing her paci to fall to the bed.

"She is totally lost in the movie." chuckled Max setting the try down on one of the dressers.

"Of course she is, The Lion King is the best." stated Lexi sitting down with Iris, who glanced at Lexi only to point at the TV and turn back to it.

* I don't think she has ever seen a TV before, let alone a movie.* linked Max as she set the tray down.

* I doubt she has. She has been locked up for Twelve years. She hasn't even had the learning experience that someone her age has had.* replied Lexi sadly, realizing just how little there mate has had.

* Well with us she will be able to have all experiences. Even better is that we will be there with her during it.* replied Max turning to them with the plates. "Here love why don't you eat with Iris, I'm going to put her drink in a sippy cup." said Max handing Lexi the plates and returning to the try to grab the drinks. Lexi couldn't help but chuckle at Iris who had put her paci back in and was suckling on it with her elephant clutched to her chest. Her suckling increasing at a part in the movie. Lexi quickly ate as Max came back into the room with the cup of apple juice in a sippy, handing it to Iris who looked from it up to Max confused as to what it was.

"Drink it baby, suck on it like your paci love." explained Max seeing her questioning look. Iris frowned when she realized she would have to give her paci up in order to have this new thing.

"It's okay baby, you can have your paci back after you have some food and juice." said Lexi noticing Iris' pout behind her paci.

Iris looked at her before slowly removing the paci and replacing it with the sippy cup. Hesitantly she sucked on the tit of the sippy cup, her eyes widening at the sweet flavor that came into her mouth. She started guzzling the sweet liquid until it was pulled away causing her to whine and look at Max.

"Not to fast baby. How about you try a little food?" hummed Max holding a bowl of mac and cheese. Iris had no idea what Max was holding but everything they had given her she had liked so when Max brought a spoon up to her mouth she opened up to accept it. Max and Lexi watched Iris move the food around in her mouth once the spoon was out before she chewed and swallowed it smiling at them.

"Is that good pumpkin?" asked Max bringing another spoon full up to Iris' mouth who quickly accepted it. Before she could finish the food in her mouth a noise from the movie caught her attention bringing her focus back to the TV.

Max and Lexi chuckled at Iris as she slowly chewed her food while watching Timon and Pumba sing Hakuna Matata with Simba only opening her mouth after she swallowed. Lexi paused the movie completely confusing Iris as she started at the frozen TV.

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