Chapter 14

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Quick reminder, any littles talk will be put after the sentence in bold, italics and brackets.  One new character name pronunciation will be added after the name is mentioned the first time in brackets and italics.

 Iris was the first to wake up squeeze between Max's and Lexi. Though she still didn't fully understand the significance of today, she knew it was a big day. Or at least that's what everyone was telling her. It only took a couple of minutes for Iris to grow board cuddling with her sleeping mates that didn't seem to be waking any time soon. Squeezing out from Max's embrace Iris crawled to the foot of the bed, deciding she was going to watch a movie. She had watched Lexi and Max worked the little magic box to play movies, so how hard could it be. Sitting at the foot of the bed with her elephant and paci, she hit the buttons on the remote until the TV turned on. She stared at the blue screen expectantly, waiting for a movie to start like it always had before. Growing frustrated at only getting a blue screen, Iris hit more buttons until finally hitting the odd triangle gaining a flash from the TV. As a movie started Iris brought her elephant to her chest and watched as the movie began. The music started up at the opening of the movie Iris got comfortable as two women started talking on the screen. Iris gasped when they began pushing each other beginning to get rough as one hit the wall. Her eyes grew big as clothes got ripped and one of the women started kissing the other. Iris kept watching her innocent mind thinking that the one girl was now kissing others injuries, and not understanding why the hurt girl was making weird noises. Was she really that hurt? Iris wondered as she continued to watch.

Max woke up hearing the clear noises of someone having sex, feeling Lexi beside her but not Iris Max set up. Startled to find Iris sitting at the foot of the bed wide eyes, watching the TV that was clearly playing porn. Scrambling to the remote Max woke up Lexi with her sudden movements as she turned off the TV getting Iris' attention who looked at her with big wide eyes.

"What's going on." Mumbled Lexi sitting up as Max and Iris looked at each other with wide eyes.

" 'ady h'rt od'er 'ady 'en 'iss 'etter" said Iris looking back at the TV and gaining a sigh from Max. (lady hurt other lady then kiss better)

"Sure baby, but how about from now on. Me or mama puts movies on for you." staid Max looking up from Iris to Lexi who is still confused.

"y 'ady 'iss d'er" asked Iris pointing at Max's crotch, causing Lexi to look at Max with wide eyes. (why lady kiss there)

"How about we put on a different movie." muttered Max quickly putting on a Disney movie to distract Iris before looking at Lexi.

*What exactly did I miss?* ask Lexi through their link wanting to know everything that had happened.

*Well apparently we forgot to move the porno we had in the DVD player before we found Iris and she got it playing while we slept* answered Max clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

Lexi wasn't sure if she should laugh or be shocked at the thought of Iris watching porn. She was glad that Iris clearly didn't understand what the movie was. Finally getting over the morning wake up, the three of them got ready and headed out to join the pack for breakfast. It was clear that everyone else was excited for the coming celebration. Max and Lexi were able to coax Iris to having a couple bites of the oatmeal from their own bowls, before she refused to have any more. Maria excitedly bounced on her toes beside Dani after breakfast, she had been begging her mate to get to play with Iris. With the excitement of setting up the celebration she didn't get a chance to play with Iris, and really hoped she would get to now especially after slipping.

"P'ease mommy." begged Maria as she looked up at Dani with big puppy eyes. Dani chuckled before nodding, but grab Maria before she darted off enticing a whine. (please mommy)

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