Authors notes

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Hey guys thank you so much for waiting for updates. I know you all want chapters so I just wanted to let you know the few things that has caused the large gap between updated chapters.

So unfortunately according to my doctor I have to go to a specialist for my hand as everything I do hurts and everything he has suggested hasn't worked. Here's hoping that I don't have to do surgery.  Because I write everything on paper before typing it onto the computer it makes every step painful, but allows me to do small edits to each chapter.

I also work 2 jobs so that has made it difficult to have the time to write but doesn't stop me from sneaking in a little writing while working. However, thanks to having to isolate due to being close contact to a positive Covid case, I was able to get done what I will be posting for you. Luckily my test came back negative. 

Finally meet my baby girl Tammy,

Anytime I have worked on any story that I write, my girl has always sat there with me

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Anytime I have worked on any story that I write, my girl has always sat there with me. Unfortunately Tammy's kidney and liver suddenly started to fail and she passed away. Not having her there while I am writing has been extremely hard as I had Tammy since she was a kitten.

That being said having the time off I was forced to take I decided to give you all an early Christmas Present as a way to thank you for sticking with this story and reading it. For all your votes and comments I truly thank you.  

Merry Christmas you guys and please be safe.

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