Chapter 12

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 Hey guys I know it has been a long time waiting and I thank you so much for waiting for this chapter. I got caught up with work and unfortunately my hand has been acting up.

As a heads up there is sexual context in this chapter as well as some hinting at rape and abuse near the end, so please be cautious if easily triggered. Also wont lie sex scenes is not my strongest ability, so I hope it is to par.

As usual I want to thank everyone who voted for the previous chapters. So thank you so much! Normally I put every ones name down before the chapter but have realized how many there are so I apologize if that is what you want and if so please let me know. But for everyone who voted I truly thank you it the readers and votes that keep me writing.

 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please feel free to ask questions or message/comment,  be it public or private I will do my best to answer.

Love ya all ❤💖💗

 Max and Lexi once again had to fight with Iris to get her to eat anything, even a smoothie. The next morning as well as the night before, their concern was definitely building as they could hear her stomach growl for probably the 12th time.

"I don't know what to do, she won't even take a bottle." said Lexi stepping out of the nursery with Iris on her hip bouncing her to calm her down as her eyes were filled with tears threatening to fall. Lexi tried to set her down only to hear Iris whine and the tears to start falling as she clung to her that much more.

"I'm not sure either either love, let me try something." Max replied holding out her arms waiting for Iris to fill them, which didn't take long for Iris to cling to Max cuddling into her arms trying to find as much comfort as possible. Her cries softened only to start up again when Max pulled away. Max shushed her as she pulled off her shirt followed by Iris' before pulling her back against her chest giving her some skin on skin contact. Once Iris was calmed down from that and Max's rocking and softly rubbing her back, Max pulled back, "Baby want to tell me why you won't eat." whispered Max not wanting to break the calm that had settled over them.

"No want 'urt 'gain. No 'unish." Whispered Iris after a few minutes of silence and having the comfort brought to her from Max's action. All Iris could think about was when she had puked and how much it had hurt, she also didn't want to be punished again. The cold bath had reminded her of the cold buckets of water that were thrown on her to get clean back at the old place.

Max and Lexi looked at each other completely confused at what Iris told them.

"Baby, what hurt?" asked Alex calmly not sure if Iris would answer her. Iris slowly pointed to her throat to answer her and it was like a light clicked on with the twins.

"Oh sweetie! Do you mean from puking? Then the bath to bring down your fever?" ask Max her heart breaking not only at the idea the Iris thinking that they were punishing her, but that clearly she had never been looked after properly if ever, especially when sick.

"Baby, we are so sorry. We weren't watching how much you ate, that is why you were sick. I can't promise you'll never get sick again, but you need to eat love." said Lexi continuing to stroke Iris' said in the calming manner once she moved to the bed beside her mates.

"The cold bath was to help, it wasn't a punishment bug. You had a high temperature, that if we didn't bring down you could get more sick." said Max trying to explain as she tightened her hold on Iris. "Do you understand?" she asked worried that Iris wouldn't believe her. It took a few moments of silence before Iris nodded into her chest. She didn't completely understand but during the silence Jade explain to her and remind her that her mates wouldn't hurt her intentionally. Max smiled at Iris and reached for the bottle Lexi has set between them, "Now will you have some milk baby bug?" she asked holding the bottle up, smiling when Iris reached out for it.

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