Chapter 10

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( Hey guys finally got the next chapter written for you hope you enjoy it. This chapters shout outs go to ,

Martina824AlyssaRose2035Ekimies01nicole2279patriciaqqTerris_G10, and LilyFletcher9

thank you guys for all your votes. Feel free to PM me with suggestions or anything. Love writing for you guys.)


"Your Alpha's property you said escaped, did it have a name." came a voice from behind Billy as he left the pack boarder of the White Snow pack.

"Who is that, who is there." exclaimed Billy turning around and not seeing anything.

"Answer my question and I will answer yours." stated the voice clearly in the where Billy couldn't see.

"Yes the Property goes by Iris. Do you know where it is." demanded Billy looking through the woods trying to locate who he was speaking to.

"I do know where it is. I will help your Alpha get his property back on two conditions." the voice made Billy pause.

"Obviously I can't speak for my Alpha, but I can tell him your request. What is it you want?" Billy stated gaining a chuckle from withing the woods.

"I want my safety guaranteed as I know about your packs treatment, and I want Max and Lexi." stated the person stepping out behind Billy.

"Who are you?" questioned Billy turning to the woman.

"I am the rightful Luna of the White Snow pack, you may call me Cassandra." Cassandra stated smirking at Billy.

Lexi woke up from their nap with a gasp, once again felling something wet on her skin. Looking down Lexi found Iris suckling on her collar bone her paci having once again been lost in the sheets somewhere. Trying not to shift two much Lexi nudged Max trying to wake her up when their mind link didn't work.

"Wha.." grumbled Max waking up.

"Shh, my love. Look." whispered Lexi motioning for Max to to look at Iris.

"It seems like this is becoming habit. You don't think she is looking to nurse do you?" asked Max after cooing at her mates suckling.

"I don't know love, but if she is I don't know if she is ready to do something like that. I think it is time for supper." responded Lexi slowly pulling Iris away from her gaining a whine and a sleepy 'no' to come out of Iris as she clung back to Lexi trying to suckle anything she could get at.

"Yeah she is defiantly trying for something." laughed Max as Iris began suckling again.

"Max just find me her paci!" exclaimed Lexi stroking Iris' hair to try and wake her up. Max held her hands up in surrender and began looking for Iris' paci. Max cheered in success as she located the paci, just as Lexi got Iris to wake up. Iris immediately accepted the paci before Lexi took her to the nursery to get her changed, before they headed down for supper. They made quick work of getting ready and headed down into the dinning hall for supper.

Everyone who was down there greeted there Alpha's and Luna, who clung nervously to Lexi who had packed her in. Lexi tried to get her to sit in a chair between her and Max only to have Iris cling to her harder sending out a desperate 'no' to voice her thoughts of not being in the woman's arms, especially around so many new people. Lexi chuckled as she sat down with the girl in her lap, rubbing her back to calm her down.

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