Chapter 16

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Quick reminder, any littles talk will be put after the sentence in bold, italics and brackets.  

Iris woke up back at her bed, Lexi was sitting on the edge with a grim look on her face as she looked at her hands resting on her lap.

"Mama?" whisper Iris knowing that what happened last night, actually occurred and was not a dream.

"Baby. You're awake." said Lexi turn to Iris who pouted and had tears in her eyes.

"Dada?" Iris said her tears starting to fall down her face in fear for Max knowing she was really hurt. It was seeing her that caused Jade to snap and finally allow her to shift for the first time.

"She's gonna be okay baby, mom is doing her best to help her" Lexi answered Iris' unasked question knowing that was what was scaring Iris.

"No 'ore eavin." stated Iris before jumping into Lexi's lap and wrapping her arms around her neck not willing to let go. (no more leaving)

"No baby. No more leaving." stated Lexi as she rocked Iris. A knock on the door echoed in the room breaking the silence that fell over the two. At Lexi's welcome Queen Namira entered the room smiling softly at them,

"Heather wanted me to inform you that Max was out of surgery." stated Namira walking over to them.

"Thank you your majesty. What will you do now?" ask Lexi looking at the Queen curious as to if she was staying or not.

"Well as much as I wish to stay here and truly get to know my daughter. I have business to attend to." stated Namira standing in front of the two.

"Oh?" questioned Lexi curious as to what would take the Queen away from her lost daughter. Namira smiled at them before brushing hair out of Iris' face,

"18 years ago I lost my daughter. I couldn't be more happy that you and your sister found her. However my interrogation with that Beta, has opened up new information. Not only how Luka knew of your plan, letting him avoid you and get here unannounced, but how Iris came to be with his pack." she stated looking from Iris to Lexi who immediately knew what she was hinting at.

"A traitor in the council?" whispered Lexi getting a head nod from Namira.

"Take time to rest and heal, you and your sister have enough to deal with right now, including what to do with the pack you liquidated. Protect her with everything you can. She is my heir and future Queen to the werewolves." stated Namira before standing up. She placed a firm hand on Lexi's shoulder and bowed her head as a sign of equality before kissing Iris' forehead.

"Se ma 'gain?" asked Iris when Namira pulled away. (see ma again)

"Of course my beautiful pup. I am so proud of you?" Namira said smiling, before giving a final goodbye and leaving the room.

Iris snuggled into Lexi who is still trying to grasp the information that was given to her. Small tugs on her shirt, snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked down at Iris.

"How about some suckies and then we can get ready to see daddy." suggested Lexi getting a big smile from Iris and another pull to her shirt. Lexi chuckled but complied and took her shirt off. As soon as the barrier was gone Iris was latched onto Lexi's nipple, sighing in content as Lexi's newly produced milk trickled into the back of her throat. Lexi relaxed at the feeling of Iris nursing from her, finally having the stress of worrying about Luka gone. At least nothing threatened her for now, and Lexi would do anything to keep it that way for as long as possible.

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