Chapter 4

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(Quick note that I didn't have with the other chapter that you probably guessed but wanted to make clear any thing bold and between an asterisk (*) is communication through the pack mind link or direct from one character to another. Thank you hope you are enjoying, let me know any feedback or errors that I may have missed.)

 Max woke up to soft giggling from beside her that brought a smile to her face as she opened her eyes, to see Iris poking Lexi's face making Lexi crinkle her nose causing more giggles from Iris. It was safe to say Max's new favorite sound was defiantly the little girls laugh.

"Is that funny little one?" said Max softly causing Iris to freeze and turn to her and causing Max's breath to catch as she looked into both Iris' eyes. One the sky blue that she had already fallen for while the other one a golden yellow. Before Max could get a good look though Iris shut her eye and scamper as far away as she could from Max.

"It's okay my love. Your eyes are so beautiful please don't hide them." whispered Max trying not to scare Iris any more then she already was.

Iris froze at the softness in Max's voice, not sure if it was false or not. She hesitantly looked at Max only to find a soft gaze being sent to her. Max smiled at her,

"Iris you are mine and Lexi's mate, Do you know what that means?" asked Max leaning in slightly. Iris shook her head, though she had heard that word before she had no idea what it meant. "It means that Lexi and I are yours as you are ours. We are here to love you, and to protect you, no matter what. You hurting makes us hurt, hurting you would be like hurting our self." explained Max softly and as simply as possible. She could see the confusion and battle going on in Iris' eye as she tried to grasp the words and what Max was telling her.

"No, urt'." came Iris' soft voice as if testing to see if she could truly trust the two women she was comfortable with.

"We will never hurt you little one." answered Lexi who had woken as Max had explained what a mate was to Iris. Max nodded when Iris looked from Lexi back to her, clearly trying to find comfort Iris brought her fingers to her mouth sucking on her pointer and middle finger. Lexi chuckled and opened her arms for Iris who crawled into them.

"Now can we see those pretty eye's baby girl?" asked Max moving to the edge of the bed instead of the chair so she would be closer to her mate's. Iris glanced from Max to Lexi and back before slowly opening her right eye, causing the other two to smile.

"They are so beautiful baby." said Lexi earning a blush and a small smile to appear behind her fingers.

* We will have to get more paci's since it looks like she is attached to her fingers.* said Max to Lexi as she admired Iris.

* How old do you think she gets in this head space. I mean with how mom explained it she is always in her Little space and has a separate head space. What is that going to be like.* responding Lexi bombarding Max with questions like she always does.

* We will just have to take it one day at a time and make sure she is safe and happy. Let's see if mom will let her move to our room.* replied Max knowing just how excited Lexi was to possibly have a little.

"Baby, if our mom says it is okay would you like to move to a different room with us. We can also see if you can eat, I bet you are hungry little one." asked Lexi looking down at Iris.

"Mom?" asked Iris quietly not knowing this word. Truthfully she didn't know most of the words Lexi or Max was using, though she did know enough to get by she wasn't properly taught.

"Yes love, Heather the other lady that was here. She is our mom, she raised us and looked after us when we were little." answered Max watching Iris to make sure she understood.

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