Chapter 9

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(Hey guys hope you are enjoying this story. Let me know if there is anything you'd want to see I would love to have your ideas. Also don't forget to vote I love doing shout outs, speaking of this chapters shout out goes to.

AlyssaRose2035StarLover389, LilyFletcher9Ekimies01nicole2279. thank you so much, you guys. Hope you enjoy this Chapter.) 

Jade sat on the bed where Lexi had set her before she and Max left, staring at heather who smiled softly.

"How is your leg feeling?" asked Heather breaking the silence as she sat down on the edge near Jade but far enough away that Jade was still comfortable.

"It's okay. Thank you for healing Iris." said Jade playing with her fingers not sure what to say or how to talk to Heather about the question rolling around her and Iris' head.

"No need to thank me hun. You are defiantly unique aren't you." stated Heather smiling at the clearly uncomfortable girl. Jade gave a small smile before opening her mouth to ask the question that was bugging her but quickly closed her mouth shying out of asking.

"It seems like you have a question, it's okay you can ask me." said Heather noticing Jade's hesitation and wanting to give her a little push to open up. Jade looked up at Heather not sure how to ask the question bugging her and Iris.

"Um, earlier you called me your grand-baby?" mumbled Jade hoping Heather would understand what she was asking about.

"Oh, well technically I thought that you were Iris, but I can consider you my grand-baby too if you want." said Heather not totally getting the question Jade was really asking and causing Jade to get a little more confused.

"But Grandma is mom of my mom, right? So how would you be grandma?" rambled Jade her confusion overpowering her nervousness but it still causing her breathing to increase and her to play with her fingers.

"Oh sweetheart, don't put yourself into a panic." said Heather noticing the signs of a coming panic attack from Jade. "Take a couple deep breaths for me hun." continued Heather wanting Jade to calm down. "Sweetheart. Max and Lexi can explain better but the best way for me to explain is because you are my daughters mate you are family, and for Iris, grand-baby suits her. As mates my daughters are there for Iris and you, Jade in what ever way you need them. For Iris it is more of a caregiver way, and for you it will be however you need them." explained Heather hoping that somehow Jade understood. Jade looked up at Heather in surprise. She was beginning to understand, but what she was understanding surprised her.

"We've never had that." admitted Jade still looking at Heather.

"Well now you do, so are you hungry?" stated Heather after hearing Jade's stomach growl. Jade smiled at her blushing slightly at the sound her stomach made. Heather chuckled as she sent out a request to one of the pack members that worked in the kitchen for some food to be brought up to them. Once Heather got a reply back that food would be brought up she turned Jade.

"Food will be brought up shortly. What would you like to do while we wait.?" She asked still watching Jade who shyly pointed at the TV.

"Iris kept saying movies are good, may I see a movie?" Jade asked remembering Iris' recollection of movies. Heather chuckled and turned on a movie relaxing on her daughters bed. Sending them a quick update on their mate to help them calm down when she sensed her mate and her daughters anger rising.

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