Rebel Spirit

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Only the Avatar master of all four elements can bring balance, however, something unprecedented occurred, two Avatars exist at the same time. Wan and Korra, Wan, however, lost his memory and must relearn what it means to be the Avatar at this time and find who he is.

Book II: Spirits

Chapter I: Rebel Spirit

It's been half a year since I arrived at Republic City, Things have been looking up for everyone. Korra is currently training with her airbending and fully in control of the Avatar state. Bumi, the crazy man, that I actually like, moved in with us, and retired. Tenzin seems to get annoyed by Bumi from time to time but hey, he's family. Korra and Mako's relationship, to my surprise, has gotten stronger. I'm happy for them, they seem to be doing really well. Speaking of Mako, he became a cop and works for Lin, not surprising since he's a serious guy. Bolin, bless his soul, is still pro-bending, since the original fire ferret team left. Yes, my pro bender fan heart was broken by that, but it's understandable. Though, I went to a few matches and tried to support Bolin...The matches are just, dead awful. I'm really the only one cheering for them. Asami is trying to keep her father's business that is now hers running since Future Industries was with the Equalists. Yeah... You can see why that isn't working out too well. But Asami tells me that she has a plan, I hope she does it for her sake. Oh, and the council has been disbanded, and now we have a president.

And me? Well, I still have amnesia. Tenzin thinks that a trip to the air temples will somehow help me regain my memories, I honestly don't believe it. I've been reading nearly a whole library of books to catch up on my history and I've picked on philosophy. Tenzin keeps feeding me more information about it. Honestly, I don't know who I am...I try to enter the Avatar state like Korra but I always fail. Tenzin says I'm really spiritually stuck and don't know why. I meditate daily yet I can't see anything! I went to a healer and she says she doesn't know why this is happening to me, it's honestly frustrating and I wish I knew the answers.

"Wan!" Wan snaps out of his thoughts and closes his notebook, hiding it under his bed, as Korra slides the door open with a wide grin on her face, the Airbender kids pop up behind her. "Wanna race?" Ikki asks, jumping up and down, Wan smirks at Korra. "I'll beat you today that's for sure," Korra taunts Wan, who rolls his eyes then tisks, "In your dreams Korra."

"Let's see what you got old man."

Pema is walking, holding Rohan, and some groceries. The four racers zoom past her, nearly knocking her over. With Wan in the lead on an air scooter, she throws the vegetables in the air, as she spins in between the racers. "Sorry, Pema!" Wan calls out, Pema catches the food and sighs.

The racers swiftly turn around the airbending training gates, The five jump off the platform. Wan turns to Korra, giving a confident smile, as he is once again in the lead. Korra looks forward and with a bit of focus she enters the Avatar State to Wan's annoyance, Korra uses the extra power as a boost, passing through the paifang gate as the finish line. Bumi waves a flag signaling the race is over. Wan, Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo pass through the finish line as well.

Bumi coughs from the dust, once it clears up he announces, "Avatar Korra is the winner!"

Korra exits the avatar state, Wan marches up to her and crosses his arms. "You know using the Avatar state is cheating right?" Korra simply rolls her eyes at the older Avatar.

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