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The car journey was tiring, but terrifying. Moving to a new city, leaving all of your friends- not like she had any, and being in a car for around eight hours.

The car journey wasn't as bad as she thought it be, mostly quiet with no negative comments (even if most were drowned out by the musical playlist playing through her headphones.)

Heat was exhausting though- wearing long sleeves all the time- just to cover up bruises
and cuts along her arms. But no one had ever cared about her enough to ask her "hey, why are you wearing long sleeves it's like 100 out?" or an occasional "aren't you hot?" But no one would ever be that kind to someone like 'her'

Skimming through the playlist, she stopped on 'invisible (prologue)' from 'Beetlejuice the musical' which had to be her favourite musical by far- of course she was never allowed to go and watch it. Y/N felt so included in the musical, as if she was a part of it, and felt she closely related to Lydia and what she was going through- even if no one in her 'family' was dead.

"You're invisible when you're sad,
Clocks tick and phones still ring.
The world carries on like mad-
But no body sees a thing"

She felt herself drift into a small slumber, humming along to the words playing into her ears.

"Whispering behind their hands,
Lost for kind words to say.
No body understands-
And everyone goes away"

The trees and cars rushing past turned into a blur of color, mixing and creating beautiful shades of green and blue- almost as if an abstract painting stood behind the car window.
It was peaceful, beautiful: she would give anything for her life to be like that for just one day.

"Grown ups wanna fix things,
When they can't it only fills them with shame.
So they-
Just look away"

"Is it being greedy to need somebody to see me
And say my name?"

She leaned her head into the palm of her hand, and allowed a large yawn to escape her lips.

"Seems when you lose your mom,
No one turn off the sun.
Folks carry on and that's that,
You're invisible when you're sad..."

Y/N felt her eyes grow heavy, and her eyelids beginning to close. Checking the time, she realised they had another two hours before they were expected to arrive- all she needed to do was wake up before then to ignore the wrath of her father.

"Holy crap, a ballad already- and such a bold departure from the original source material!"

Little did she know what the future would hold, possibly involving a green haired demon that spoke those words through her headphones.

Whoop first chapter!
So glad you made it this far with my terrible writing 😬
I normally write a few chapters and publish them all together, but I thought I would publish the first one first as a bit of a teaser/trailer :)

Thanks for reading, hope you join me for the next one xx

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