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First off I'd like to say thanks for sticking with me, I've been really uninspired for a while and my fandom zone brain has been avoiding beetlejuice (both reading and writing)
I'm from the uk and we've just got out for our school end of year! - we have classes from September to half way through July (with occasion weeks and two weeks off in months like May or at Easter)
Hopefully il be able to write more so just put up with me, k x

y/n woke up again on the same sofa in the same position as before. The immense pain that used to throb throughout her body had now subsided and she felt as she had the energy to stand from the couch.
Everyone had moved away now, Barbara presumably reading a book or whatever she likes to do now. The only person she did notice was Beej, slumped over on the floor by her feet.

She smiled, a true genuine smile as a blush crept its way across her cheeks staining them in a rosey pink. Getting up to leave, she flicked a peace of  light pink hair from the demons forehead and walked to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water.

"Oh my god, y/n you're awake!" Lydia shouted to the girl dropping the cookie that was in her hand "Y/N's AWAKE!" She shouted upwards to the rest of the household, soon continuing to much on her half eaten cookie.
"We're coming!" She heard Barbara call from the attic, soon followed by a thumping of footsteps echoing down the staircase.
"Oh honey you're alright, we were worried sick. You really scared us when you fell, we thought you wouldn't be able to..."
"Barbs I'm fine, really it's okay," she cut her off, pulling her into a tight hug.
"We do have some questions though," Adam chimed in, alerting the two to pull away from the warm embrace.
"Ask away."

"So, Y/N, where'd you get the sweater from" Adam asked sitting across from her at the dining table. Where Barbara sat to his left, Lydia to her left and Betelgeuse just floated above- looking down upon the situation, as he already knows the basics.
"I made it! My own paint and embroidery thread, my parents would never let me buy themed clothing and there weren't really any good designs anyway," she explained, answering the question but not answering the question she knew he was looking for 'how did you know?'

The silence filled the room with an awkward nothing, a staring competition of eyes slithered to look at each other- peering from all directions
"Sooooo..." Lydia hesitantly spoke from the end of the table after finishing the rest of the cookies in the packet. "Why are me an Beej on it, you obviously didn't make it recently the sleeves are worn down. How did you know us?"
"Well I..."
"And what does 'were not invisible anymore' mean?"
"Lydia! One question at a time please, we don't want to terrify the poor girl," Barbara cut in, looking at Lydia in the most angry 'stop what you're doing right now young lady' eyes that she could muster- which received an eye roll from the teen diagonal from her.
"I'll give you two and then you'll have to wait until me an Beej have asked questions."
"Sorry!" She sarcastically smirked back, before turning to look at Y/N once more

"Why are me an Beej on your Jumper?!"
"Oh, well you see it's a good moment- best transition I personally believe. Your outfit is great and Beej's hair is everything!"
"And what does, 'were not invisible anymore mean'?"
"Oh well it's the line,you know- '-It's our house now kid' then followed by singing 'woah' 'WE'RE NOT INVISIBLE ANYMORE'"
"y/N are you okay"
"What are you on about"
The questions encircled her head before a voice stuck out in particular. The green haired demon look down to her.
"For God's sake Y/N just tel them!" He shouted, silencing the voices that filled the room around her.
"Tell us what?!"

Thanks for bearing with me an reading
Hope you enjoyed
The chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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