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"Soooo.... parallel universe girl. Dead guy. What brings you to the roof?? He said trying to stop her from leaving.

"parallel universe girl?" she questioned. "so that's what happened?"

"pretty sure, not very common though, normally true passion or dream can take you to different worlds,"

"huh, makes sense,"

"sooooo, maybe say..." he was cut off

"say your name three times, allowing you to become physical in the human world, and then possibly marry you and end up killing you again afterwards. I know the basics, I'm not a child- or dare I say it, a person who doesn't enjoy the classic film and musical named 'bug drink'."Y/N said, going over the top on the last line (as if it were a TV drama)

no response, he stayed quiet questioning her existence, past world and sanity...

"parallel universe, where... I suppose... theres a musical of me?" he asked, scratching the top of his head- his hair turning a dark yellow, slightly lighter than orange.

"wait, so you knew the song, but you don't know the musical... fake fan! I called it!" she screamed, pointing at him, laughing. alerting the attention of the house next door, where the Maitlands and Lydia stood on the roof- just staring at the scene unfolding before their very eyes. 

"what are they doing?" Lydia cautiously asked the Maitlands, looking over to find them arguing about what seemed to be 'the ghost with the most', noticing a faint mention of 'thats my song, I wrote that song!' and a short ' how did they know my song?!'

"oh well, I guess she knows now, all we can try and do is stop her from saying his name three times" Barbara shrugged, not wanting to shout over to them and draw the attention for her.



"well that went out the window," Adam said nodding with the rest of them.



"how are we going to stop her?" Adam said turning to the pair next to him.

"I don't know, lets just see what she does. wasn't too bad when I said his name"Lydia shrugged, wanting to see what he would do if he was present again.

"Lydia! he married you!" Barbara shouted in a 'do what your mother says' kind of tone, while keeping her voice down. "plus, she's new and naive," they all just turned back around, Barbs and Adam ready to shout if any steps were taken towards saying his name a third time





"thats what I did when I first met him," Lydia said, earning a slight nod from the ghost couple. "no, seriously. those are literally the exact words I said- creepily the exact same, all the way down to the amount of time before she said 'cause',"

"you're so smart, a stand up bro.                                                                                                                                                  I'll think about you're offer let you know,"

"so its a musical number now?" Lydia asked Barbara and Adam, entirely confused by the scene playing on the roof of the house next door.

"I don't know about this Y/N girl, I think we should stay away from her," Barbara sighed, not wanting to ever say something like that to someone.

"at least give her a chance Barbs, you don't know what she's been through," Adam muttered, placing his hand on his wife shoulder.

"I guess you're right," she sighed, the trio hiding back inside as Beetlejuice and Y/N had just done so.



Not too fond of this chapter, it just a bit of a filler to carry on the story and give more of a storyline.

think I'm going to spend the next part at the Deetz's house, maybe with Y/N coming over again.

sorry I haven't published in a while,

hope you enjoyed!

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