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Packing boxes was Tiring, especially when she have no idea which room was hers and which room was her parents. Y/N found a door to the an attic at the top of her stairs- "oh like beetlejuce, I wonder if I'll find my own pair of Maitlands in my attic!" Y/N wondered, not realising she had said it aloud- well, it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear, so she wasn't worried.

Even though the attic was an intriguing thought, she put it off and headed to the small bedroom that she presumed was her room. Placing down the last box (finally!) she sat down on the old matted carpet and Stared out of the small window she had, looking over the rest of her neighbourhood. 'Oh, that house looks oddly like the Maitland house!' She smiled to herself.

She started to unpack her boxes, eying all the musical merchandise she had bought off of eBay with her own money and without her parents knowledge. Y/N sorted it all into piles of musicals.

The 'Heathers' pile, consisted of a song book, a t-shirt that wrote 'I am damaged' across the front and a pillow that had 'whine all night' written across the front in red (she wasn't worried that her parents would find this, they hardly paid attention to her anyway)

The 'Dear Evan Hansen' pile, consisted of another pillow- this time with the iconic cast with 'Connor' written across the front, a pair of shoes she had painted herself (with 'you will be found' painted on in dark blue), the song book and an original broadway cast playbill she had found on amazon.

The 'Beetlejuice' pile however had so many more things. Shirts- wether striped or quotes written across the front, the song book, a tote bag with the 'Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse' logo across the front (with a short message of 'not made by NPR' that she had embroidered onto the back), wrist bands, pins, small bug earrings, fridge magnets and every playbil (all there was from D.C to February when they had to close.

She stuffed everything into separate sides of her wardrobe, but placed all Beetlejuice items into the tote bag and hung it over her shoulder (the logo facing towards her, so random passers-by wouldn't judge her for her extreme addiction. Placing her phone (which had a black and white phone case) into her bag, she decided to go and explore the town and her house. She needed to change in to something more, clean...

Y/N wore a black shirt with the words "hold it one damn minute" embroidered into the top and a cartoon image of Adam Maitland that she had painted on herself, Along with a long sleeved undershirt with black and white striped arms and a pair of black ripped jeans. She topped off the outfit with a 'whole being dead thing' pin and a pair of silver earrings in the shape of beetles.

Before walking out of the door she picked up here tote bag and tied her H/L, H/C into a high ponytail.

"Time to finally explore all the mysteries of this place!"

A new chapter that I actually got myself to write.
You are VERRY beetlejuice insane -like me :) - if it wasn't clear enough! 😂

Door to the other side (beetlejuice x reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt