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The shadowed abyss started to lighten and the faint muffled voices were heard inside the head of Y/N. Feeling growing back into her body, she felt the pain of each separate cut, each separate bruise. She soon noticed she was lying flat on her back on a sofa- but not hers, it was more comfortable and the arm rests seemed to be higher than what she remembered.

She didn't forget the happenings that had occurred before the darkness. She didn't forget the screams that escaped her lips. She didn't forget those words "beetlejuice.... beetlejuice..... beetlejuice"

The world began to clear and she felt herself slide back into herself- as if her soul had escaped her body. But wasn't it normally 'once you die, you don't return'? Like what happened to Adam and Barbara?

Y/N's E/C eyes fluttered open and a view of the world around her was clear. Lydia asleep on another sofa, Barbara reading a book with Adam asleep on her shoulder and BJ (the demon who saved her life) barely awake across from her- just staring up at the ceiling. One thing she did notice was that she wasn't in her house. She was in the living room at the Deetz's , with Charles and Delia out of sight. Makes sense- with Barbara and Adam not being able to leave, and with them being some of the most responsible parent like figures out there.

"Y/N you're awake!" She heard a raspy voice yell from the opposite side of the room, causing the rest that were sat inside to either alert their attention or to jolt awake- in Adam's case.

"What happened where am..." her shallow and I horse voice cut off by another.

"Best to not speak, don't want to hurt yourself anymore now do we?" Barbara chuckled from next to her, stroking her hand on her head.

"Why don't we try mind reading?" Lydia chirped up from the other couch, receiving a small nod from the ghost couple and an eager smile from Beej.

'Why am I here?'
"She said 'why am I here?'" Beetlejuice replied, allowing the others to listen to what she was thinking "well, we couldn't leave you back at your house were Babs and sexy can't help. As they can't leave"

'What happened to my parents'
"Best to not question that one" he joked, staring down towards the floor.

'Am i okay?'
"Well apart from bruises, a lot of blood loss, wounds, a black eye, probably a broken rib and broken arm along with a lot of cuts on your arms you seem to be.... 'Shit he knows' "knows... what?" He coughed out at her, staring her straight in the eyes scowling.

"Nothing!" She shouted out, not caring about her sudden outburst, not caring about the pain the rose in her throat, not caring about the eyes that seemed to pin onto her.

"Nothing. I'm fine! You don't need to worry about me at all. I've spent this last year wishing, hoping, wanting you all to be real and not just to see you on an illegal bootleg, listen to you through a soundtrack or watch a movie, I've wanted to see you! And here you are! And I don't want to have you to listen in to a life of a person you hardly know, who wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a stupid door that appeared out of nowhere in the attic!" Y/N shouted toward them all, slowly standing from the chair- ignoring the pain that shot through her bones and around her body. "I'm going! So don't text me in the middle of the night saying 'u up?' Because new phone.... who disss!" she screamed, before collapsing on the ground in pure agony and being carried back over to the sofa.

"Well I don't know what that was, but I think she needs some space," Barbara commented to the rest of them, allowing Y/N to stay passed out on the couch without them there. They all slowly stood up from their seats and resumed or started whatever they were doing before- but in a different room. But not Betelgeuse, he stayed and waited by her side.

"You're a special one aren't you Y/N" he whispered to her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.

I didn't really like that chapter at first but I've grown to like the way i ended it.
Haven't really got anything else to say
Hope you enjoyed it? Xx

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