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Upon leaving, she realised she hadn't stopped into town- but with the events that had just occurred she would have to sleep on it.

Stepping through the door she realised it would be a quiet night, her dad was flat out drunk on the couch- so she wouldn't have to deal with him for a few hours, at least until he woke up again.

Instead of entering her room, Y/N ran to the attic and found her way out onto the roof. Picking up her phone from her bag, she climbed onto the flat surface and just slumped by the edge of one of the windows.

Full volume, she played 'invisible reprise (on the roof) And just softly sang along- confused at everything that had just occurred upon entering the mysterious door.

"You're invisible when you're me"

"There's no one to see my truth," she heard someone that definitely wasn't her or the track say. But after looking around there was no one there.

"If they could look up they'd see"

"Hey somebody's on the roof" said the same voice as last time, but there still wasn't anyone there.
"Who's there?" she called out. But no answer.

"God it's mortifying what's the point over even trying,
Cus now, I'm trapped with no escape.
Banished disavowed, I've vanished like a cloud of"

"Dirty hipster vape" the voice rang out again, but this time she could see him. The same green haired demon she listened to songs about on a daily basis. But it was probably a figment of her imagination, so she ignored it.

"Nobody said life's fair,
I guess they will never see.
The demon who isn't there.
You're invisible when you're"

"Me" he said again, the same gravely voice as depicted in the musical.
"Oh my god you are real! All of this," Y/N said looking over at him in disbelief, "I'm gonna get some rest, I can't function" she said leaving, turning towards the window she came through.

"It's like I don't even know what's going on anymore," she breathed as she opened the window.


He's here and now "it's show time!"

Door to the other side (beetlejuice x reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя