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They led Y/N through the all famous living room, it looked exactly the same "wow the set designers did a really good job on the house" she muttered under her breath, stepping up the creaky staircase- following closely behind Lydia.
"I'm sorry what did you say?" She soon replied, well oh Crap- everyone can hear her.
"Nothing, just.... interesting house design I guess." She dragged on, trying to create a less creepy reply.

The wood on the stairs was worn and clearly put under heavy pressure (it seemed as if the stairs would break if she put any more weight on the planks). The noise her shoes made echoed across the narrow hallway that they were heading up.


... as The slow thud of him walking upstairs made her shiver. She shielded herself under the duvet covers while he approached her bedroom door way. He smashed his glass bottle on the door frame and stuck it out as if it was a weapon.


"Hey, you okay?" She heard Lydia day, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Yeah, just thinking" Y/N replied carrying on with her journey up this creaky staircase.

The door to the attic was old and sinking in, but the wood design looked exactly the same as if she was on the set itself.
Opening the door she saw the classic couple from the musical, almost identical to Kerry Butler and Rob McLure's version of the characters.

"So Y/N, as you said your name was, do you see anything strange?" Lydia said staining at her, intrigued.
"Strange and unusual..." Y/N said back as a reference to one of the lines, but it only earned a few awkward glares from everyone. "Sorry, not the time. Uh, yeah. Only the two most famous ghosts of 2020- Adam and Barbara Maitland" she said, exaggerating the end with the most gravely beetlejuice voice she could put on.
"What!" Was the word that screeched in her ears as each of them had shouted.
"Sorry it's just like, I can see you- but you can't be real ghosts can you?" She replied, not believing that in this world that she entered through the portal, it had brought her to a place where Beetlejuice is real.
"Yep," the couple seemed to say, hovering around 10cm in the air.
"Wait so, you people aren't famous over here,"
"No?" They all asked, questioning her sanity.

Y/N released a breath that she didn't realise she was holding. Huh so she seemed to be in a universe where beetlejuice actually existed and never because a film or a musical.

"Hey Adam, you're on her T-shirt," Barbara pointed out, laughing at the quote and the reason behind it.
"Yeah I made it myself," Y/N replied, fidgeting with the hem. "Well I guess I'll be going, hope you enjoy the cookies!"

She raced once again down the stairs and thanked Delia for having her in.

But leaving she didn't notice the familiar green haired demon on following her out of the house.

Not really fond of this chapter but it's pushing my story along, well the cast has been introduced.
Let's see what mischief happens in the next chapter

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