Meeting Alex

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Earthland year X781 -Magnolia

It was another rowdy day in Fairy Tail. Natsu had started another fight with Gray, and the rest of the guild had gotten into it with them. The fighting stopped abruptly when the doors slammed open, and a young woman limped in. The woman was blonde and dirty. Like she hadn't seen a bed or a shower in a while. They all watched her until she promptly collapsed.

Mira gasped and ran forward. "Someone get the Master quickly!" Gray nodded while Natsu ran up to pick up the woman. "Who is she?" Natsu wondered as he set her on a table.

Master Makarov walked up and looked at the woman on the table. "Natsu, take her to the infirmary. We'll care for her until she wakes up. Maybe she'll have some answers for us when she wakes up."

Two days later

Groaning, the woman woke up. Blinking, she looked around the room. 'Where am I? ' She wondered, staring at the area and sitting up.

"About time you woke up," a gruff voice sounded to the left of her. Turning her head, she saw a tall muscled man standing by the door. "You had the guild worried, you know."

The woman stared wide-eyed at his face. The lightning-bolt scar on his face easily recognizable. He frowned and growled. "What are you looking at, girlie?"

She blushed and lowered her head. "Sorry," she murmured. 'Laxus? but that's not possible.' She looked at him cautiously. "Um, could you tell me where I am?"

"You're in the Fairy Tail infirmary after you collapsed in our guild hall," he grunted. She sat there, shocked. 'I'm in Fairy Tail? How is that possible?' When she didn't respond, Laxus grunted. "I'm going to get the master. Don't go anywhere," he warned before he walked away.

'How did I end up on Earthland?' She rubbed her head in frustration. 'I knew I was lost, but this is not what I was expecting.' She stood up and crossed her arms. "Alright, let's think this through, Alex. You're trapped in your favorite Anime, you haven't eaten much, and you have no idea how long you've been in Fairy Tail. What are you going to do?" She groaned and rubbed her face. "I have no idea!" She cried slightly.

"You could start by answering a couple questions," a voice interjected behind her.

Alex turned around, surprised. Master Makarov was beside the door. "Hi there," he said, smiling. "Perhaps you would like to sit down and talk with me? I have a couple questions I hope you don't mind answering for me."

Alex nodded and sat back down on the bed. "Of course, Master Makarov. What would you like to know?" 'I have to be careful with what I tell him or I could ruin the entire show.'

Makarov rubbed his chin. "How about we start with how you know who I am?"

"Everybody knows the name of Fairy Tail's master," Alex said, smiling slightly. "Your guild is relatively famous.

"And yet, you didn't even realize where you were?" The master asked curiously.

"I wasn't exactly in my right mind, master," Alex snorted quietly.

The master nodded and chuckled. "That is true. What is your name, child? And what happened to bring you here?"

"My name is Alex," she responded quietly. "And I'm not sure what all happened. I just woke up one day lost in the woods. I'm not sure how I can get home from here. Or even where home is from here."

Makarov sighed and rubbed his chin. "I could offer you a place in this guild if you'd like," he offered. "You could work as a mage and get paid so you can make a new life here in Magnolia."

"But I'm not a wizard," Alex protested. "I don't have any magical ability."

Makarov raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" He asked curiously. "I could feel your power when you were unconscious. And it has only grown since you've woken up."

Alex looked at her hands, shocked. "I have magic?" 'It would have been so much easier if I had known that, to begin with.' She looked back up at the master. "Is there someone around here that can help me with my abilities?"

Makarov nodded, smiling. "I think we can find someone to help you. We'll need to find out what your powers are first." He stood up. "But first, I think a shower and some food are in order. I'm sure you'll feel much better after that, don't you?"

Alex nodded. "I think you're right, Master."

Makarov nodded again and walked out the door. "Come downstairs when you're ready, and we'll give you your guild mark. There's some spare clothes on the chair."


Gray crossed his arms as the master walked downstairs. "Is she alright?" He demanded. "Where is she?"

Makarov sat down at the bar. "She'll be down momentarily. Don't go asking her too many questions. She doesn't seem to know much about her past. She's agreed to join Fairy Tail, though, so someone can help her master her magic."

"She doesn't know her magic?" Laxus sneered from the top floor. "What kind of weaklings are you letting into the guild, old man?"

"How does she not know what her magic is, gramps?" Gray asked curiously, ignoring Laxus. "She was pretty powerful."

"I'm not sure, Gray," The master responded. "But she seemed genuinely confused when I mentioned it."

The rest of the guild muttered quietly about this new mystery girl and who she could be. The muttering stopped when they heard the door open and someone walking down the stairs. They all turned to see Alex walking over to where the master sat at the bar. She was wearing a light blue halter top and a pair of blue shorts. The master smiled. He held the guild stamp. "Welcome down, Alex. How are you feeling? And where would you like your guild mark?"

Alex smiled. "I'm feeling much better, thank you, Master." She lifted her shirt slightly. "I'd like it here on my hip, please."

Once she had her guild mark, the master grinned. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Alex. Now we have to find out what you're magic is so we can find you a decent teacher."

Alex opened her mouth to respond when a flaming fist came at her face. Thinking quickly, she ducked and gave a swift uppercut punch to the pink-haired mage above her. He flew to the wall, her hand sparkling with electricity. Laxus leaned forward, interested. "You're a lightning mage?" Gray asked, shocked.

"I guess I am, "Alex muttered, looking at her hand in shock.

Makarov grinned. "I know just the wizard to help you master your abilities."

Alex of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now