Chapter Two: Of All Poems and Love

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Another day passes and it's the time for the club meeting already. I've gotten a little more comfortable over here for the past couple of days. Entering the clubroom, the usual scene greets me.

Sayori: "Hi, Nishikata~"

Nishikata: "Sayori-san, looks like you're in a good mood today."

Sayori: "Ehehe~ Speaking of which, I'm kinda hungry. Will you come with me to buy a snack?"

Nishikata: "E-eh? What...? Don't you have your own allowance?"

Takagi: "Do not Nishikata. She's just trying to trick you."

Takagi suddenly makes an appearance between both of us.

Sayori: "Eh?? T-Takagi?"

Takagi: "Sayori-san, Let's take a look at your purse, shall we?"

Sayori: "E-eh...? Why...that all of the sudden?"

Takagi: " No reason, really, we just wanted to look at it."

Sayori: "A-ah..."

Sayori nervously retrieves her coin purse. She fumbles with the latch and gets it open, only two small coins fall out.

Sayori: "Ahaha...ha..."

Takagi: "I knew it, I can see right through you Sayori-san."

Sayori: "That's not fair! How did you even know?"

Takagi: "It's simple, if you had enough money in the first place, you would've brought a snack into the clubroom. So, either you're not hungry and wanted an excuse to walk, or you planned to conveniently forget that you spent all of your money so that Nishikata would lend you some! But there's one more thing. You're always hungry. So that leaves the one option."

Sayori: "Uwaaa~! I give up! Don't make me feel guiltyyy!"

And that teaches Sayori how not to mess around with Takagi. Her ingenuity is beyond comprehension. She can easily identify something within seconds. Take it from some who's been there many times a few years or so.

Yuri: "Ahaha."

Yuri suddenly giggles.

Nishikata: "Eh?"

I didn't notice that she was listening in, her face is in her book as always.

Yuri: "A-ah! I wasn't listening or anything. It was just...something in my book..."

Sayori: "Yuriii, Tell Takagi or Nishikata to let me borrow some money..."

Yuri: "That's...Don't get me involved like that, Sayori. Besides, you should only buy what you can responsibly afford. And frankly, after putting a little mischievous little stunt like that, your suffering is enough retribution."

Nishikata: "..."

Yuri: "Ah! Did...I just? I-I didn't mean that! I got too absorbed into my book. Uu..."

Sayo & Taka: "Ahaha!"

Sayori: "I really like it when you speak your mind, Yuri. It doesn't happen much, but it's the fun side of you."

Yuri: "That's...There's no way you could think that..."

Sayori: "You were right though, I did something bad and now I have to accept the revolution."

Takagi: "Retribution. Ahaha."

Sayori: "That!"

Yuri: "Still, coming from you Sayori, I guess there's a little devil inside us all, isn't there?"

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