Chapter Eight: Heart to Heart

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I wake up in a strangely pleasant feeling in my chest, which probably means that I have finally gotten better? Only time will tell. But even though with that, I still had a pain when I move my body around.

I look at my alarm clock, and judging from the time, looks like I've slept for a good six hours.

But I notice that Takagi's gone. Was it just a dream that she came over to take care of me? felt to real to be a dream. But I still see the bed stain from the tea.

As I wonder about the validity from my memories, I hear a loud humming coming from downstairs. So, looks like she's really here.

Her humming becomes more audible and I realize that she's coming this way.

I rise up and smile at her when she enters the room.

Takagi: "Oh! You're up. How're you feeling?"

Nishikata: "A lot better."

Takagi: "I'm so happy to hear that!"

Takagi practically beaming from the news as she sits down on the chair right next to me.

Takagi: "You looked really peaceful in your sleep."

Nishikata: "Yeah, I had a nice dream. I don't really remember the details though."

Takagi: "That's good to hear. Um..."

Nishikata: "What's up?"

She takes a deep breath.

Takagi: "About what I said before you went to sleep, I've been thinking...and I want you to know. Even if I'm scared I know I can't keep running away from my problems."

Nishikata: "You're not alone, Takagi. There's nothing that can change my mind."

Takagi: "Well, here goes. Don't fall asleep okay? This is going to be long."

Nishikata: "Don't worry, I'm all ears."

She nods in acknowledgement and looks for words before she continues to look for words to begin.

Takagi: "I've...always thought that I couldn't really matter. After all, how can somebody matter more than others? Aren't we all the same? You probably know this by now, but I haven't really got a true friend when I grew up. Until I met you that is.

I've always been aware of how selfish people are. It's wrong that so many people just live for themselves, even though we call it society. I don't want to be like that, I want to make people happy, especially those who suffer..."

Nishikata: "Is that why you got so attached to me when we first met?"

Takagi: "I won't deny that is part of the reason. Wanting to help others is fine, but sadly, I didn't think about how selfish people would treat me. No matter how much I helped them, they were never satisfied. They wanted more.

Worse, when I was done helping them, they left me behind."

She supressed a sob and wipes her tears.

Takagi: "Do you remember Sumire? She was a good friend of mine that you rarely talk to. She has always been close to me. But starting high school, she never saw me as her friend again, and that she left be behind without any kindness..."

She started crying again, but I decided that I gave her the time that she needed before continuing again, and I provided some tissues for her.

Takagi: "Thanks. Anyway, eventually, I started to get tired. They never showed any gratitude, and once they saw any sign of weakness in me, they'd turn against me.

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