Chapter Three: Presentation

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A few days just passed, and the literature club activities were all the same since then. We trade poems, giving each other feedback and then free time until it's over. And everyone's feedback is always the same. Takagi and Sayori were impressed, Monika quite liked it, Natsuki is not too simple for her taste, and Yuri's not too complex for her style. However, the festival's coming close just in a few days, and we haven't even prepared anything yet.

Takagi is happily chatting with Sayori, Natsuki is rummaging in her closet, while Yuri's buries in her book as always. Monika is writing something while I'm doing my homework.

I take a peak at Monika, she was thinking about something. She glances around the room before she head out of her desk to the front of the room.

Monika: "Okay, everyone! We're all done reading each other's poems right? I have something extra planned today, so If everyone could come and sit at the front of the room."

Natsuki: "Is this about the festival?"

Monika: "Well, sort of~"

Natsuki: "Ugh. Do we really have to so something for the festival? It's not like we can put together anything good just in a few days. We'll just end up embarrassing ourselves instead of getting new members."

Yuri: "That's the concern of mine as well. I don't really do well with last-minute preparations..."

Monika: "Don't worry so much! We're going to keep this simple, okay? We won't need much more than a few decorations. Sayori has been working on posters, and I've designed some pamphlets we can give out during the event."

Natsuki: "Okay, that's great and all. But that doesn't tell us what we're actually going to be doing on the festival."

Monika: "We're going to be performing!"

Natsuki: "Performing!?"

Yuri: "Uh...M-Monika..."

Monika: "Yeah! We're gonna do some poetry performance! Each of us are going to chose the poem to recite during the event. But the cool part is, we're also going to let everyone else come up and recite poems too! Sayori's putting it on all the posters in case anyone wants to prepare ahead of time.

Sayori: "Ehehe~"

Sayori, who's been coloring a poster, holds it up for us to see.

Takagi: "That looks great, Sayori-san!"

Natsuki: "You...You didn't already start putting those posters up, did you?"

Monika: "Eh? Well, I did. Do you really think it's that bad of an Idea?"

Natsuki: ", It's not a bad idea. But I didn't sign up for this y'know! There is NO way I'm going to be performing in a group of people like that!"

Yuri: "I...I agree with Natsuki! I could my something like that."

Imagining it, Yuri shakes her head in fear.

Takagi: "Guys..."

Monika: "No, Takagi. I understand where they coming from. Remember that Natsuki and Yuri have never shared their poems with anyone until a few days ago. It's a lot for them to recite their poems out loud to a whole room of people. I guess I kinda overlooked that. So, I'm sorry."

Natsuki: "..."

Monika: "...But! I think we should give it our best! We're the only one that's responsible for the fate this club. If we start the event, and put a good performance, then it will inspire others to do the same! And the more people who perform, the better we'll able to show what literature is all about!"

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