twenty five.

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Author's note :
Hey sweeties! I'd like to thank y'all for the positive words and continuous hype ups. I really am trying my best to be a good author, in terms of spelling and punctuation. I do appreciate the little comments of spelling errors as much as I hits my ego no cap! Uhm I also wanted to mention that I was thinking of making a sequel of this book but instead of Mani's highschool life, we take a dive into her college life and wether or not her past loves remained in the past or came back to haunt her. I guess we'll never know, it is an idea after all. Anyways, enjoy mugs! Please vote and comment, y'all comments make my day Ong!


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Mr cliche's
Of the story

S E B A S T I A N S  M I N D


to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner.

All my life I've somehow managed to succeed using this tactic. Heck, it's been a part of my life since the day I learnt what it meant. Since then it's something I've used to my advantage. My forever route.

That evening I saw Armani leave that soccer fucks car, I lost it. Not only did I feel like I lost my manipulative aura, but the second thing I held dearest to my somewhat beating heart. Control.

I lost control over myself and how I felt that evening. She always brought the worst out of me, more then any girl has. I needed to escape, I needed out before things got worse. Before I felt things I never intended to feel in the first place.

So I left. Hoping to god the feeling didn't follow me. That awful feeling that made my stomach churn. That made heat rise within me the moment I caught a glimpse of them.


A R M A N I ' S


"You actually what Sebastian? me? I told you we were just friends!"

For a moment I stood there shocked. The words I said before almost spilling out of me like a broken faucet; I was embarrassed.

I can't believe I let myself almost utter such boyish words. Stupid fucking words at that!

I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't nor couldn't allow it to happen or grow. I let myself get too comfortable, I let myself feel free to go against what I faught so hard not to do.

That very felt like she could see through the pupils of my eyes that I..

Me of all fucking people. Had somehow gained the slightest bit of feelings for her. Feelings..stupid, fucking feelings.

"We're just friends" went from a light tug to the chest to a whole knife stabbing at my heart. I hated it. I hated the feeling I allowed to invade me. Invade the person I am.

I spat at myself. How could I let it get to this point. I was butt hurt over her not replying to my double texts! How could that not have been a clear red flag. Hell, I waited an hour near her house, hoping that she'd return or atleast hoping I didn't miss her return.

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