Chapter nine

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Ian's P.O.V.:
Ryan grabbed the hotel key before we walked out the door. We walked down the hall and to the elevator to leave floor five. when the elevator came up it was empty, which I was glad for. we walked in and Anthony the circular button that read '1'. when elevator began to move I took Anthony's hand in mine. "Are you scared of elevators?" He asked with a slight smirk.
"A little." I said blushing. his smirk grew a little bigger. "Don't laugh at me!" I said a little annoyed.
"I'm not." he said smiling at me. we dropped the subject when I realized Ryan is just awkwardly standing in the corner pretending to be busy texting someone. So decided to make small talk.
"So what do you want to do today Ryan?" I said as the elevator rested on the final floor. the doors opened, and we walked and talked to the breakfast bar. when we were finished with breakfast, we walked into the streets of new york. it didn't take long to catch a taxi. when we got into the car we told the cab driver to take us to the Empire State Building.
Once we arrived we waited in a extremely long line to get to the elevators, which I didn't want to go to..., but I also didn't want to take the stairs. It took along time to get to the top, I was tightly holding Anthony's arm for protection. When we finally reached the top, their were dozens of stands with words, talking about the history of this building. There were tour guides galore. we walked to the window.
"Wow." Ryan said in amazement.
"Are you okay?" Anthony asked me with concern in his voice and face.
"Yeah." my voice cracked and sounded weak. "Why wouldn't I b-be?"
"Well, you look a little sick, your hands are sweating, and you sounds like it has a lot of fear in it..., you should go to the restroom." Anthony said. I agreed, I went to the restroom as Anthony and Ryan stayed behind.
I finally found the restroom. I waited quite some time in a line, but when I finally got a stall I went in and just stood. I was trying to calm down, I calm down easier when I am alone. I went back to Anthony and Ryan when I was done, we soon left.

----time flash-----

We walked into the hotel and decided to go play truth or dare with the girls again since that was fun. We walk to there room, which we went down a few flights of stairs for. when we reached the room, Elizabeth welcomed us in. Jessica and Emma were sitting on the bed. Jessica had red and black footy pajama pants on with a black tank top. Emma had her hair pulled into a ponytail with all pink pajamas. we sat in a circle like we did last time. Going to the right in order of seating, me, Anthony, Emma, Ryan, Jessica, Elizabeth. "I call first!" Ryan semi-shouts. "Emma! Truth or dare."
"Truth." Emma says.
"Awe, your no fun..." Ryan fake pouts. "Ummm..., are you still a virgin?"
"" She whispers, everyone looks at her with wide eyes.
"Wow, I really just said something random, are you serious?" Ryan says, eyes still wide, mouth slightly parted. she nods. there is a moment of silence. "Well, Emma, your turn..." He says really awkwardly and you can he is so nerves.
"Jessica. truth or dare?" She says as nothing had just happened, so we all play along with her, but Ryan just sits there..., that's what he does when he is nerves.
"Dare." She says with confidence.
Emma stands up and grabs empty glass cheer wine bottle and set it in the center of the circle. "Spin the bottle, whoever it lands on you must kiss." suddenly Jessica looks a little worried, but regardless she spins the bottle. it lands on..., me. we both look at each other, both a little worried. then, at the same time, we look at Anthony. she whispers "sorry to him."

Anthony's P.O.V.:

Are you fucking kidding me.

(A/N): hey, cliffhanger! How will Anthony react?
Sorry I have been gone for so long..., I have had bad grades and all, so my parents took my phone..., Merry Christmas!!! K, BYYYYYYYYE!!!!!!

High School Sucks; ianthony fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora