Chapter 27 - The Way Of The Heart (Draft)

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Culsu steps out of the gate clutching the young boy still in her arms. He has not yet moved and instead seems to be in a coma like state. The dark-robed woman leaves the shimmering portal in the air a moment later and almost bumps into the silver haired one.

"The streets of Pandemonium." Culsu says with a smile on her lips but instantly feels concern.

Had it been the right decision to come here? Right into the heart of the demon lands with a half-breed in her arms? A nephilim. She'd heard so much about these beings already but they are such a rarity that she'd never met one before. She looks over to Lilith and instantly lowers her head in respect. In her wildest dreams, she would have never thought to meet such a woman. A legend, and to most just a myth among the demons as it said that she never leaves her dark tower in the noble district of the city. All those who speak of 'meeting her' mean that they 'met' her in their dreams. She is rumored to walk through other people's dreams like a traveler visits other cities and even then, she almost always remains in the background and only observes. In the few cases she truly speaks to the person in the dream she tends to leaves strong traces in their mind which become heavily influential to their future.

Lilith rests her warm hand on Culsu's arm. "You seem to worry. Are you afraid?" she asks with a soft and gentle voice. There is sincerity but also strength in the cadence of her words.

The woman in the long white gown nods slowly then looks at the boy.

"I am mostly worried for him. This place is dangerous for him. If someone finds out his true self, which should not be so hard for some of the creatures around here, he will be in grave danger." She sighs and bites her lower lip not knowing what else to say.

Culsu knows that no one may touch the belongings of the woman next to her or even to question her decisions but she can not help but to worry for the little one.

"Do not fret my friend."Lilith says with a smile. "No one will touch him. Every piece is falling into place at the moment. My daughter is on her way to fulfill her destiny and so is Virgo."

She reaches out for the boy and carefully Culsu hands over the child, who appears so still as to be sleeping an eternal rest.

"What are their destinies?" The gatekeeper asks realizing she may not really wish to know the answer the instant she does so.

"There is a power vacuum in the north and in the south. The One seems to be gone and so is The Fallen. No one has heard of either for decades. One of the reasons why Michael among the angels and The Lightbringers among the demons are able to cause so much havoc."

Culsu listens carefully. She has heard about The Lightbringers before. Rumored to be a group of demons striving to reach for the top and take over the leadership in Pandemonium, they are said to be ruthless fanatics.

"So it has been The Lightbringers who wiped out the angels force at Igashotar?"

Lilith nods but that gesture is followed by a soft shrug. "I believe so. They remain hidden. Only a few of them have been revealed up to this time and their structure is like a pyramid. One only knows their own direct superior and followers. But if that one is revealed then their superior is either killed or destroys themselves. It is like hitting the branches but never being able to reach the roots."

"I may know one of the roots but I have to validate this assumption first. Though I know the kind of armor Myriel wore when she came to the campfire and claimed it has been in their armory, which I actually believe is true."

The dark robed woman with the black eyes listens carefully and answers with a soft bobbing of her head.

"This means you have a met one of them already?" Lilith asks after thinking for a couple of seconds.

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