Chapter IX : Man Made Heat

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No matter how much he trains his body he can never win a spar with the dominant alpha. It was nearly impossible to fight someone who's a natural fighter and actually works through his talent.

"Actually, you're doing a very good job. There's no dominant alpha there so you're good en—"

All hearings were cut off but their stunned behavior. By his quick natural sense, Taehyung manages to quickly grab the arms that were about to hurdle him from behind. This causes Jungkook to stop by surprise and yet he didn't move when more people came from behind.

He turns around to twist the man's arms and what came after was an immerse pain from them. But turning around brought more trouble than he expected as there were more men with hard items like a wooden bat and a pair of batons that was meant for harming him.

There were a lot. He takes them down with more effort than he thought he needed.

Jungkook stood from the side. He watches the omega dancing in the battlefield as he struggles to survive. Although struggle wasn't the right term, he seems to fight with ease due to his quick reflex to predict where they would aim next.

By the time they had finished, it was clear who had won one sided. A single omega covered in sweats trained by alphas since birth, that's the winner.

All the alpha's were in fear to how a tiny omega could beat them easily with one hand. It only needs a quick speed to get them smashing each other's brains out. They had ran out for their lives carrying unconscious comrades to flee from the scene.

"You didn't help me." Taehyung growls at the alpha.

"Because I hired them to ambush you." Go figures.

"I supposed you're gonna say it's training to always keep my guards up?"

Jungkook chuckles "No, I just wanted to mess with you."

Taehyung sighs. It's not funny when you're tired enough just to beat one alpha and you need to beat 5 more with purely your own strength.

"So care to tell me what's wrong?"


"Your movements were sloppier than the first time we trained. Maybe it's better than the previous days but my guess is something happened that affected your life?"

Taehyung bit his lip and looks down. The events with Jimin still hasn't left his mind what's more is that he never came to visit again after that. It was either the alpha or the omega's fault and there's no between.

He thought that it was easy to forget but it seems for his movement to be read as clear with a magnifying glass he wasn't recovering.

But still, Jungkook is a certificated dominant alpha. It's likely for him to be truthful and admit that he's just stubborn to admit his pride has fallen to suck his alpha crush's dick.

"I had a fight with my friend.."

Jungkook bought the statement easily than he thought. "And you two haven't made up yet?"

Taehyung shook his head. They haven't.

"If you truly want him back as a friend then I suggest you two to talk it out. It could just be a big misunderstanding."

Jungkook is right. It's not that he haven't thought about it, he doesn't even know if they're classified as 'fighting'

"What if he thinks I'm being a jerk?"

"Trust me, no one thinks you're a jerk even if you are."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?"

Jungkook laughs it off thinking it was a funny joke he made. At least it made Taehyung laugh too, he's getting more loose with the mood thanks to the alpha.

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