0.1 | "You're trying to hack the Government? Count me in!"

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Shuri - 12 years old & Amber - 21 years old

In a lab, a girl stood next to her excessively complicated technological applications pacing back and forth trying to understand and break the system that she was trying to get into

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In a lab, a girl stood next to her excessively complicated technological applications pacing back and forth trying to understand and break the system that she was trying to get into. Her home was one of the most advanced places in the world and it was rare for someone to have the ability to get into the place. This place held the most loyal and fierce people on the planet, where they shared tradition and culture to their future generations.

The girl that was pacing next to her screens that held large amounts of code was trying to hack into the government, trying to access any important information that could possibly be entertaining to herself or help her in aid and care for her home. However, due to the excessive amount of hacking, she somehow hacked into a different system that had the same, if not more security the government's system had.

She was muttering things under her breath, trying to figure out what she did wrong and why there was a system that was possibly holding something more dangerous power than the place that she was trying to hack into.

However, in another area in NewYork sat a growing female adult that was staring at her phone with a confused face.

"Who the hell is trying to hack into my phone?" She stated in confusion and curiosity. Rarely had anyone successfully hacked into the program that she made herself that was on her phone. She created this program so only certain people would have the ability to call her if need so she wouldn't be bombarded with useless phone calls and texts. Her phone held only three numbers where they were the only ones who are able to access her. One was for her father figure Nick Fury, who she calls Papa Fury or dad. The second was for Steve Rogers who she only became friends recently, and she owed a favor to. Lastly, the third number was Natasha Romanoff, she was another agent that Amber would work with if Fury required it.

As Amber was staring at her phone in confusion, she had multiple thoughts crossing her mind.

'Who is trying to get into my phone?"

'Why are they trying to get into it?"

'How the heck did they even do it?'

Finally, after snapping out of her thoughts, she decides to start locating where the hacking is being held. What she found was not what she was expecting. It was an area in Sub-Saharan Africa. The name of the area was not clear, but she was able to access a way to contact the person who managed to hack her system.

She stayed on her phone typing and accessing the necessary connections to contact the hacker, and when she finally made a breakthrough she pumped her fist in the air exclaiming aloud, 


In Wakanda, the girl who accidentally hacked Amber received a loud blaring noise that erupted in her developing lab. After the loud noise was emitted she heard a voice saying,

"Hello? Is this the person who managed to hack into my phone?"

Shuri didn't know what was going on so for a couple of seconds so she just turned her head slowly to where the noise was being permitted. She cautiously, but slowly made her way toward the seemingly female voice that kept talking,

"Hello?" Amber dragged. She was starting to get impatient and she took the phone away from her face and right when she was going to end the call she received a response.


The voice sounded young and it held an accent that resembled the area where she found the hacker.

A bit surprised by the young voice that she heard, Amber became more curious about who the hacker was and how old they were. Shaking her head she returned the phone to her ear and responded,

"Hey, are you the one who hacked into my phone?"

Skeptical of who she was talking to Shuri cautiously responded with,

"Yes, yes I am"

Amber was further intrigued by the strange character, however, her thoughts were cut as the girl on the other end spoke further,

"I didn't mean to!" She exclaimed exasperated, "I was trying to hack into another system, but I somehow accidentally hacked into your phone."

Amber was amused because she knew what system the girl was trying to hack into and why the young hacker accidentally mistook her system for the government. The system that she created was similar to the security of the government. It stood with many layers that had needed to go step by step to get through. Amused Amber replied with,

"Were you trying to hack into the government?"

Surprised Shuri's eyes widen in bewilderment and worry. She did not want to get in trouble for trying to hack into the government, along with the system that the female on the other line made. She started to panic and freak out as she bagged Amber.

"Please don't tell anyone! I don't mean any harm to your country I just wanted to make sure my home was safe because of the recent news"

Indeed the time this hacking took place, the American state was going through a mishap that included the Avengers. New York was recently attacked by the Chitauri army that took place a couple of months before. The state was slowly, but surely recovering from the attack, but the world took it into their hands to open up to the idea of 'Earth's mightiest heroes' where one, both of her friends, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, are a part of.

With those thoughts in mind, she too became interested in what the government was up to and what was further going to happen. Noticing the panic in the young Wakanda's voice she responded with excitement

"You're trying to hack the Government? Count me in!"

Shuri's panicky attitude slowly demolished as she stood in surprise at the stranger's request. Confused, she responded with,

"Okay?" Which sounded more like a question than an actual answer.

A huge grin appeared on Amber's face in response to what the Wakandan said.

"Great! My name is Amber, what is your name stranger?" She asked with a buzzing excitement that ran through her body. She couldn't wait to get to know the girl on the other side through the whole experience.

With newfound confidence, the young hacker responded with,

"Nice to meet you, Amber, I am the youngest child of the King of Wakanda, Princess Shuri Udaku"

"Nice to meet you, Amber, I am the youngest child of the King of Wakanda, Princess Shuri Udaku"

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