1.5 | " You killed King T'Chaka!"

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Chills ran through Amber's spin as the elevator stopped and opened

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Chills ran through Amber's spin as the elevator stopped and opened. Steve glances at the two and nods, moving down he opens the gate freeing the three from the closed-in elevator. They start to make their way through the eerily quiet hallways as the elevator doors close behind them. The three walked quietly and cautiously, making sure that no one was there and watching them.

'It's too quiet' Amber thought as they make their way up the stairs. Suddenly as if cursing her words a loud noise emerges from behind the three. Amber mentally curses at herself for jinxing the trio and takes a defensive stance in front of Steve and Bucky, her fists raised in the air ready for whoever the person behind the elevator doors was.

The door starts to screech loudly, making the small group wait in anticipation.

"You guys ready?" Steve asks, holding his shield in front of his face.

Amber nods, not trusting her voice while Bucky responds with a low yeah. The elevator entrance slowly opens revealing Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit. He starts to walk toward the three, his helmet removing itself from his head. None of the three change their stance as he makes his way toward them.

"You seem a little defensive" He jokingly states with a straight face, causing Amber to lower her hands and relaxing her defensive stance. Steve walks past her toward Tony, shield in front of him and says,

"It's been a long day"

Tony offers Amber a smile, then looks up to Bucky and says, "At ease, soldier. I'm not currently after you. Plus she saved my best friend's life" He ended smiling at Amber, and she responded with a wink, silently reassuring him that it was no problem.

Immediately Steve then asks, "Then why are you here?"

Tony shrugs glancing at Amber, then looks back at Steve, " Could be your story's not so crazy" he says. He looked terrible, Tony had a black eye and scratches on his face from the fight in the airport. He looked like he hasn't slept for months, something the three others could relate to. "Maybe" He continues, pausing momentarily before saying," Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way." He leans onto the wall continuing his previous statement, "Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself."

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Amber jokingly states, smiling at the end of her statement. Tony sends her a wink before facing Steve again, giving him a small smile. Steve relaxes, noticing that Tony wasn't there to hurt them.

"It's good to see you, Tony"

"You too, Cap," Tony says but scoffs at the sight of Bucky pointing a gun at him. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop-" He cut himself off staring at Bucky in small disbelief while Steve sends him a reassuring stare. Amber chuckles quietly to herself as she watches the three men converse. Bucky puts down his defensive stance and tucks the gun under his arms. Mentally sighing in relief, thankful that Tony wasn't gonna try to take him in.

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